The Dance Of Death

in #life7 years ago


It was the little lady's bedtime. I was reading her a story as is the norm. Recently she has gotten quite into Roald Dahl and I have been reading her a chapter each night before the sleep battle.

The current book we were reading was Mathilda. An odd tale to be frank, which seems to involve lots of physical violence against children. No matter, the little lady loves it.


In the chapter we were reading we got to that old childrens book staple, the parents dying. In my head I was thinking, why oh why do all the parents die in these bloody books.

Fortunately there were no questions and we finished that chapter. It was time for lights out. As the little lady is still a young un she likes someone to stay with her till she falls asleep.

We lay there, I heard her breathing get deeper. Then deeper. Then she started snorfling softly.


Righto thought I, time to get out of here!

I was just about to get up when her little voice piped up.

Daddy, I am worried.

Dammit. No escape for me.

Really darling, what are you worried about?

No doubt it would be something to do with Scooby Doo, Dino Trux or maybe a good old fashioned monster under the bed? Something easily dealt with.

In the dim light from her gro-clock I could see her eyes wide as she turned to me.

I am worried that you will die Daddy.


WHAT?!? Aye, thanks very fucking much.

I am worried you will die when I am little.

Seriously? Was she for real? Funnily enough, I'm not very keen on that idea either.

Don't worry lass, that is quite unlikely.

There was a muffled sob from the dark patch where her head was. Something gleamed in the dim light. I hoped it wasn't a blade.

The sob escalated into a wail.

I don't want you to die Daddy, promise me you won't die. PROMISE PLEEEASE!

Oh lordy, I wished she would stop saying die. What to do? I was reminded of that scene in Team America (Fuck yeah!) where the dude promised the chick he would never die so that he could get his end away. That was funny though. This wasn't quite as amusing.


She started thrashing about and crying about death. More pertinently, me dying. I tried not to take it personally. Perhaps it was even a compliment? Not once had she mentioned Mummy. Perhaps she only dreamed of me dying? Could that be good? It didn't feel good.

I gave her a hug and stroked her brow and she stilled somewhat. I decided to give her some meesterboom style wisdoms. The kind that usually get me in trouble from the good lady.

Well little one, everyone and everything d...

I was interrupted by a soft snoring. She had conked out.

I snuck out feeling somewhat guilty for not being immortal. I had better come up with something good for next time.


Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

Appreciate the tale and the illustations.

Quite the conundrum.

Children do worry about these things. They remind us of small lost forgotten words...such as mortal...immortal....first heard of in tales of mythology.

Death is never far is only a thread between us and heaven. If we know the one who is the giver of life...we are confident in his timing of our time here on earth.

Wishing you and yours all the best. Cheers.

It is a torrid time for them as they struggle to understand it all. Especially when they realise their own mortality. It is only a thread and we must make what we can of it!

All the best to you and yours lass!

Death is so inconvenient when you're parenting. lol....I remember those days and the lack of sound sleep while trying to calm the little ones, we aren't dying today or any day soon.....

You did what I did....quiet and calm comfort. No advice helps. Now that they are adults and have their own families, they still worry about the dreaded day. I tell them to sing the circle of life. Tsk.

I have been reading your stories....they are so relatable and funny.

Aw that's nice to hear! I have the odd good one here and there :0)

Yes, she is going through quite a fascination with death. I kept thinking when she said she was scared I was going to kark it that she had the sight, like a cheap horror movie!

Like the children of the corn premonitions...ach....parenting is such a powerful thing that it becomes a weakness at times . No croaking tonight though :)

Definitely no croaking!! I will cross everything before sleep ;0)

If you died you would have to become a ghost writer, I need your stories for sanity and a chuckle to start the day.

Hehe, I don't know why but the idea of being a ghost writer made me chuckle!

I enjoyed your post @meesterboom, some children's stories are quite horrid! I had a theatrical uncle who used to babysit us and tell fairy stories using the piano for sound effects. My father used to be so annoyed with my sweet uncle, as I would be a real scaredy cat when they got home as the fairy tales often evolved into ghost stories! I just loooove ghost stories today :)
You did very well with your little one :)

Thank you! I daren't tell ghost stories yet although I am looking forward to when I can. I think I did well, I just goes she stops talking about me specifically kicking the bucket!!

Your posts are always grabbing my attention, you have my vote, my friend. As always will continue supporting you. keep it up my friend

Dodged a 48 pound slug on that one. Touchy subject, think it's worse than sex to get into. At least all that poinky stuff makes some sense.
Quite a funny take and writing on a very serious thing for the little one's. May want to read up on this one, for when the next wonderful storybook brings it up again.

Here's a raised glass to us on Steemit still reading MeesterB works' when we're all too old to see the computer screen, or feeble-minded to understand what the heck you're talking about ( :

It's the ultimate safeguard for old age is having children. They can guide us through the mad tech world of the future.

I think I might have to look it up, she ain't gonna let that go!

Oh, that is a rough one. My daughter went through something similar so I don't think it's that uncommon. And I think dads are the scariest for little girls because they represent all that is safe in the world. Don't worry me boom, it's not a portent!! You wouldn't dare die on us!

In other steemit related news...the return of nonameslefttouse :) I feel like the band just got back together, lol!

Good lord, he is back? After so long. It's like the once and future king! Lol

His post says "soon", so apparently he's not completely back..maybe he's looking to see what his homecoming will be like. He was in the comment section of that video I posted this morning and for a second I thought I might still be sleeping, lol.

Sorry about the long time for a response, I was at my niece's one year birthday party today :)

That will teach you not to read nasty stories to children, please don't die we love your stories.

Then I have reason to live milady!! ;0)

Something gleamed in the dim light. I hoped it wasn't a blade.

I probably shouldn't have laughed as hard about this as I did XD

Hey maybe they'll cure aging by the time you need to worry about that XP

Good thing she fell asleep before you had to get too philosophical about it? :)


Hehe, I suspect she was lucky I didn't get the chance to get into my flow. Oh yes!

LOL she is super cute! I didn't worry about my parents dying when I was a kid because they didn't read me scary stories like that before bedtime😜

Boom. That will learn me! You might have a point. I blame the good lady, she started it! :O)

lol I see. Always blaming one lady or the other 😜

Strangely enough ;0)