Remembrance card for a dearly departed friend.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

A couple of weeks ago a good friend of mine died.

He was a lovely man, caring, kind and full of enthusiasm. The phone call came as a shock, but I appreciate the fact that Helen, the friend who called to tell me about Keith's passing made the effort to let me know before I saw it on social media.

I worked with Keith in local government a few years ago and the decision to deliberately seat us apart was not surprising to either of us. We would have been a disruptive force between us. We were bad enough sitting on separate rows.

Keith had a cracking sense of humour and I never heard a swear-word pass his lips. He worked hard for Help The Aged and a number of Youth charities.

This is Keith acting in one of his official duties as Mayor of Eastwood, celebrating National Old People's Day at Age Concern Source

Keith's funeral is on Wednesday and I've spent the afternoon making a card for his wife and their family.

Not sure which one, yet

One of life's gentlemen, he'll be sadly missed by his friends and family and even by some who didn't know him.

The family have requested no flowers, however, there will be a collection which will be donated to the youth organisations Keith supported within Eastwood, Nottinghamshire.

I'll be donating the rewards from this post to the charities in Keith's name.

Treasure your loved ones, Keith's death was sudden and unexpected. We all think we'll have a little more time.


May his soul rest in peace!

Thank you and thank you for your generous gift for the charities too. I'll add it to the reward from this post.

Sorrow will always be there but let the sadness pass

sorry for everyone's loss especially yours he seems like a wonderful person

So sorry for your loss, Michelle. The good seem to die far too young. It sounds like his passing will leave a very big hole in everyone's hearts. I assume you will be attending a funeral on Wednesday. I send my prayers out for the family and friends at this difficult time.

Thank you. It's difficult enough for Keith's friends, it must be hell for his family.

Yes, it will be. I was totally devasted when I lost my husband, my soulmate after 40 blissful years together. It takes time to pick up the pieces and having understanding friends really help. Just be there for them. No need for special words, your presence says it all.

I don't often throw out a 100%er but this is definitely worth it. Sorry to hear of your loss, he sounded like a top bloke.

He really was a top bloke. If anyone asked him to do anything for the community, there was never a chance of him refusing if he was available.

I’m sorry for the loss your dealing with... it’s so true that we never know what one moment could bring.. never put off making that phone call, or making that visit - because one day you may find out that it was the last opportunity you had and it was squandered.

It sounds like your really taking the time to honor this man you cared about. I’m sure his wife, friends and family really appreciates this. The card looks beautiful btw..

Again, sorry for your loss

Thank you. I appreciate your kind thoughts. The news came as a shock.

Sorry to here that

It is very disheartening to lose a loved one or a friend. But the truth is we never know when it's our time to go too. This life is short, enjoy it, spend time with loved ones, help the needy, feed the hungry, clothes the naked, and above all have fun.
From the little description above, it's quite clear that Keith was a good man whose legacy he left behind will always be remembered. I pray his gentle soul rest in peace.
Adieu Keith!

Thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated.

condolences to you with the loss of your good friend
loss of a loved one is sad
we should appreciate those who are close to us and remember those who are no longer around

Oh! It's so sad.
When a close friend unexpectedly leaves us a piece of our heart is forever broken.
May his soul rest in peace.

I wish peace of your friend's soul. He should be in peace in the Hereafter.