How did I fight Depression? | My Advice to the Foster Children Who Suffered of Unwanted Consequences

A lot of things happening around us; things that can make you happy or the scary ones that can fall you off into the cliff of nothingness.
A lot of things happening around us; things that can make you happy or the scary ones that can fall you off into the cliff of nothingness.
it makes me cry..
Im so sorry to know your story Mike.
Anyways you give a sincere advice to all adopted child and I hope they can read this and be inspired.
This post really touched me. I know that nothing what I will write will reduce the pain you went though. I am so sorry from the bottom of my heart. Moreover I want to thank you so much for your honest words, I believe that they will help a lot of people.
Thank you @m1r1.
When you feel like you're depress again my friend, you can count on @mikekenlytungal :)
Tomorrow is definitely another day. It might be a bad day for some of us but the sun will shine even in the darkest days of our lives. Great post!
thank you @sakura1012!