Psychology -part34- depression

in #life6 years ago


The role of virtual networks in the treatment of depression

Because we live in a world full of stressful factors and instruments, stress today is part of our everyday lives.

Deadly stress can cause very severe mental and physical problems, or even cause some disorders and diseases in some cases. Finding the right solution to overcome these problems is vital.

Stress is one of the natural reactions of the body during a risk that causes the body to escape or fight. Stress also reduces or increases the activity of various body systems to prepare for possible threats. If you have severe stress, you need to solve this problem using all possible solutions. You can begin to solve this problem by changing your type of story. Changing attitudes will refresh your look at issues and increase your skills in life management. In my opinion, this strategy is the basis for controlling and managing stress in life. Follow the steps below to distance yourself from stress. These strategies will help you get rid of acute stress, the ability of your body's defense system to rise and, therefore, work better for your body.

It's unclear to anyone that they make irrational decisions when they are angry. When you are talking to someone you will be angry at you. This anger will cause more stress and unpleasant consequences after that. In my opinion, after the calming and the destruction of anger, it is better for the parties to continue their discussions and to come to a conclusion. The break-through in the middle of the debate gives you an opportunity to free your mind of destructive thoughts and feelings.

Do not worry

Many people believe that worrying about doing things helps them to do better in difficult situations and take control of everything in their lives. Unfortunately, this false belief causes stress in life. When you're worried about something, it's happening in your mind that something bad will happen and you will gradually get negative thoughts. These concerns are gradually becoming accustomed to and you will have to deal with chronic stress in life. In addition, worry may make your mind full of horror. Sometimes people try to relax in difficult conditions. Your mind is the key to solving this problem. Substitute negative thoughts for positive thoughts and be concerned that your concern is very dangerous for your body and mind.

Do not hurt yourself

Often you do not lose your self for the work you have done. Strong people are always striving to keep themselves close to high standards of living. This moral hazard causes a lot of stress. Feeling guilty in people causes anxiety and depression. Do not blame yourself for the things that are beyond your control. It is best to look at your thoughts and feelings so that you can control your inner negative thoughts. If you feel that you are going to work somewhere, go back and ask yourself what good things you can learn from this bad and unpleasant thing. In addition, if you increase the sense of inner satisfaction of yourself, you will become a successful and self-confident person.

Practice deep breathing

Deep breath is one of the best ways to reduce stress and keep your body from nerve spasms and tension. Aerobic exercise increases the activity of the nervous system and the production of white blood cells. Find the right place and put your hands on your chest and abdomen. Focus on your breath and feel your bowels up and down. My suggestion is to learn this technique to be satisfying when doing it. This method is soothing, very effective and useful, and it makes you forget stress and anger when doing it.

Know your feelings

If you are able to understand your feelings, your quality of life will also increase. This method can easily reduce your stress and anxiety. If you communicate with your feelings, you'll have the chance to stay healthy and emotionally healthy. Do not suppress your feelings as it will have devastating effects on your body and mind; in addition to suppressing your feelings, it will eliminate your relationship with those you love. It also increases the stress and tension in life.

Nurture your feelings

Do not hold your feelings inside your mind. Communicate with your feelings. If you do not know how to do this, just write down all your good and bad feelings on paper. Then you have the chance to find new ways to grow them. By doing this, you will learn how to deal with stress more effectively. Learning to cultivate emotions is the foundation of the progress of the mind.

Laughter reduces stress

Laugh is the best, cheapest and easiest way to be positive. The positive attitude and the humorous nature of any pain is treated. Even short and transient laughter will cause you to have positive changes in your body. Laughing by relaxing the muscles, it reduces stress in the body. Many humans also change their morale and refresh their morale. These people are less likely to be depressed and anxious than others.

Accept the fact that you are not able to change them

You undoubtedly have something in life that you can not change or control when you learn. You can easily forget your stress and anxiety. I know well that a feeling of misery is very bad, but you have to deal with the fact that you can not control a series of things in life. You need to change things that you can change with courage. This method will help you improve your positive attitude.


One of the effective ways of coping with stress is to give our health value. I know a lot of people who, despite the many problems they have in their lives, have not changed their positive attitude to life. I'm sure every human being has many things in life that should be thankful to God for their sake. Those who appreciate life are more resistant to stress and their level of satisfaction is greater than life.