How Ideas and Identity save us from Immorality

in #life7 years ago (edited)

How Ideas and Identity lead us into Immorality.png

How Ideas and Identity save us from Immorality

We all know the scenario.

The conversation gets heated and someone spouts out the same ole adage.

There are two things we should never discuss, Religion and Politics.

Now tell me, where does this "fake wisdom" come from?

How can we be technologically progressive, but ethically and morally primitive?

Who gave us permission to be morally immature and make this acceptable?

Now I want to know, is this acceptable to you?

The First Thought

What if you could bypass the religion and politics argument?

That's right, bypass it altogether.

And yes, there's a catch.

The catch is that we must establish some standards.

The first standard is - TRUTH is what truly matters.

The second standard is - IDEAS and IDENTITY are not the same.

Let's tackle the truth issue.

The Second Thought

The allure of TRUTH is soul-stirring, but its capture is quite elusive.

Hold on, not quite - make that VERY elusive.

But that's our world today, the ancients didn't have these problems.

They based their conclusions on Sacred Geometry, Astral Theology, Astrology. Mathematics, The Hero's Journey, The Torus, Scientific Ethics, Ma'at, Vortices, and the Fibonacci Sequence.

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When all of these systems AGREE on something - it is TRUE.

When any system DISAGREES - it is NOT TRUE.

The concept of Theory wouldn't make sense to them.

Theory means I believe it's true.

They would laugh and respond, something is TRUE or NOT TRUE, it can't be ALMOST or PARTIALLY TRUE.

At best, we should call theories PRACTICE.

At worst, we should call them OPINION.

Now that wraps up TRUTH, let's move on to ideas and identity.

The Third Thought

Our world today is so GRAY there's no longer black and white.

That's our problem.

We've divorced ourselves from true and untrue and reside in the world of what we THINK is true or what we opine is true.

And it's a simple fix.

KEY POINT - We refuse to DIVORCE ourselves from ideas because we seek IMMORTALITY.

Some deduce if they can't live forever, they can EXIST in the minds of people forever through their IDEAS.

And it isn't a long jump from mixing their identities with their ideas to create an EMOTIONAL SIGNATURE (ES).

With ES, they're able to go on and on and argue and debate their lives away, for no apparent reason.

When someone attacks an idea, they are attacking THEM.

Why does this CONCEPT even exist?

It has two options.

Either their EGOS are out of control or they can't ascertain the edge of an idea's existence.

Either way, their IDEAS and their IDENTITY are not the same.

When someone attacks Christianity, a Christian retaliates.

But why?

Why does the Christian feel the need to respond?

The person has given an opinion about the IDEA of Christianity, not this particular Christian's way of life.

If we look deeper, we can argue the Christian's EGO is so BIG that he is NOT speaking for himself, but for all of Christendom.

Is this true?

The Fourth Thought

Up to this point, we can argue this blog has been a THEORY.

Let's try to visualize this and make it TRUTH.

Here's an idea.

Here's an identity.

The ideas live inside the identity, this is a NORMAL person.

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When the identity lives inside an idea, this is an ABNORMAL person.

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And this behavior is very powerful and socially-driven in areas where the GROUP is more important than the individual.

Not just peer pressure, but PIER pressure.

Pier pressure is the kind that gives an ultimatum.

Either you accept this or you're kicked out of the group.

We do this and if you do that, then you'll be excommunicated.

Does this sound like someone we know?

The Kickback

When we migrate from differentiating between ideas and identity, we'll be on the road to better conversations and better societies.

With better communication, our understanding of one another would accelerate.

And instead of technological progress, we would experience moral and ethical progress.

The Finale


  • foster a sense of urgency and fear of loss by compelling them to act now
  • make a personal challenge to them!


  • fear of loss
  • urgency
  • risk reversal
  • scarcity