in #life6 years ago

Isn't it amazing that when tragedies occur here, our first recourse is usually religion? We say things like, 'these are the signs of the end time', 'these are the last days', this was predicted in the books', or 'my pastor foresaw this'...etc. We don't demand for justice. We don't question authorities or the people responsible for the negligence. Nothing. No demand for accountability. No pressure for consequences of our carelessness. We simply wear our religious cloaks and pass the blame. And we still think we know God? You still think God lives here? You don't know God! You know nothing. I dare you.

If you had a tiny drop of God in you, you will be moved to action, to ask for justice. Righteousness is justice. Righteousness is Fairness. God is love. Love is action. Love is accountability. A thousand more years and we will still be here screaming the end times while others roll their sleeves, get to work and make their God seen in structures, good systems and fair processes. We don't know God here. Shelve your denials.

A nation with no conscience for the vulnerable amongst them yet touting God as theirs. A nation with no consequences for evil, self-perpetuated evil, waiting on some paradise that will insulate them someday from their inactions today. We still think we know God? You think heaven is yours? I cackle.


About 86 million of us live in poverty. You and I. The number increases daily. Tomorrow it will be you. With so much abundance around us. This is the nation God should brag with around the earth but rather than bring forth his glory by our actions and work, we sit in our corners and pretend to do his work, paying lip service to our faiths and still imagine we know Love.

Do you need a prophet to tell you that you when you don't take an examination, your result sheet will be incomplete? Do you need a prophet to tell you that when you disregard safety rules and procedures, you will die sooner than expected? Do you need a prophet to tell you that when you pollute your environment, it will in turn kill you? Do you need a prophet to tell you that when you bribe and substitute building plans, that your house will fall flat on you even while hallelujah passes through your lips and your hands move to clap? Do you need a prophet to tell you that when your borders are porous and your security chiefs turn blind eyes to your safety, you will wake up with your heads on your roof and with blood flooding the streets?

Who did this to us? We are the ones orchestrating our end times. Your children and their children will still come and inherit this mess, wailing for the last days, living in denial and their children will come and their children and their children and their children and their children.

The problem here isnt about making reference to religion and scriptural prophecies, the problem is the interpretation. In the Bible the Ethiopian eunuch was asked by St Philip, understandesth thou what thou readest??

So I dare ask us who have religious affiliation, do we really understand the Bible we quote. Was King David a coward,? Even ad a child , when Goliath was making fun of Israelites, daring them to a contest, it was young David, who knew his God, how God had used him to deliver his sheep from their prey in the wild , who challenged him to a battle, Guess what, he won.


So here we are, complaining and nagging and " praying " expecting Jesus to wave a wand of miracle to eradicate Boko Haram and Herdsmen in Nigeria.
Where are our Elijahs of old who dared the worshippers of Baal to a contest..there miracles took place .

God ignited fire out of water..
Should one prophet who knows his God dare these killers to a contest, and make declarations, and God honors it, would we still be battling with these..
But now, our men of God, are now manifesting on Bill boards. Having the best photo shots and they marry the most beautiful and most photogenic wives..so they advertise God on billboards..

My dear I believe in God. I believe in the working of the holy spirit. All these happenings can be challenged and countered where real men of God demonstrate the power of God. But a lot of fake prophets are here. They can't do much they are mostly interested in receiving tithes and offerings..

I pray that some day those who are really called by God can arise and take up the mantle of leadership. Imagine if a prophet makes a declaration concerning these killings and it comes to pass, how many souls that will be saved??

If religion isn't abused. Its a beautiful thing . but the problem of abuse makes it the opium of the society.