2K18 Goals// Travel More!
Ever since I was 14, I've suffered quite badly with social anxiety.

Right before I dropped my glove in the snow and stepped on it
Thankfully as I've grown older it's gotten a lot easier to manage and I've started getting out of my comfort zone a lot more.
Last year in April, I travelled alone for the first time to a city that I'd never been to, this was something I didn't think I'd be able to do for a long time. It was one of the best days of my life, despite me getting completely lost on the way back to the bus (I was saved by someone I had met earlier, another step out of my comfort zone!).
Ever since then I've started being more open minded about getting out of the house and actually going somewhere via bus or train.
This past month I've really started to take a more active role in my life, and thus I've made it my goal to travel at least once a month via train (or bus) to somewhere I don't normally go to.
I'm still learning how to navigate places by myself (somehow I have the worst sense of direction in the world, not even Googlemaps can save me) but I'm getting there.
I went to Bristol this weekend with one of my best friends as well as my very recent ex (yes it was as awkward as you could imagine it to be, I'm still emotionally recovering - never make plans in advance with anybody ever) to see Sigrid play live.
And then it snowed.
But somehow we survived and made it back home safe and sound!
Next weekend I'm going to be going to Bath to visit one of my university friends for the first time. I'm really excited!
Thanks for reading my post!
Do you have any tips for travelling alone? What are some of your experiences?
Keep it up, as long as your moving your making progress = D
Always make sure your phone is charged, carry a spare battery. Plan your route and text a friend saying where you are going.
If you get lost just think tourist information, police, hospital all of them will show you to get home safe.