Foreign Intervention and the myth of peace

in #life6 years ago

It has been the tradition of great powers that they intervene in the smaller countries when they feel that smaller states are resisting their sphere of influence but to show a softer face to the world and to provide a cover to the intervention, they often repeat the mantra of bringing peace into the country. Today I am going to bust this myth without blaming any particular country.
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During 1950s United States of America and USSR jumped into the Vietnamese Civil War with the false promise of bringing justice and peace. As a result, a conflict between the Communist and the Capitalist block eschewed which resulted in the killing of millions with civilian forming the majority of the casualties. The Soviet Union in order to increase its sphere of influence hit the Afghan ground with massive force deployment but with a dubious claim of bringing peace into the country. The Russian intervention led to a coup and a counter-operation from Islamists and a small portion of Communists backed by the global and regional powers.

The intervention not only diluted chances of peace but also resulted in the migration of Afghans into Pakistan and Iran in massive numbers. Some other examples are the Western military interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. The Western countries say that their purpose is to uproot cruel regimes in these countries and to introduce true democracy for the benefits of the common man but do you know what happened to the common man?

The common man has been subjected to gross human rights violation from both the belligerent parties and he is traveling to Europe and other places in search of comfort and safety. The killings, rapes, violence, and bombings have become a norm in the countries facing intervention from big powers.

You may be thinking about how to avoid these cruelties?

The solution is simple and that is the big powers need to leave the people of the smaller countries to decide their fate instead of forcing a system on them. Let them solve their indigenous problems through indigenous ways because foreign intervention never brings peace.


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I agree with your point of view, it's always the same excuse, when the most powerful countries have some interest in the resources of a smaller country they always say that there are weapons of mass destruction or dictatorial goverments but what they're really looking for it's to satisfy their businesses.

Then we have examples of genocides like the Rwanda case but if there aren't economic interests then doesn't matter at all, I think this is the only case in which it should be allowed to the big countries to intervene.

Thank you so much. Yes most of the governments look for business interests rather tahn humanity.

good job
i will follow you

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Foreign Intervention and the myth of peace

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