Surprising discovery in the Great Pyramid. What's inside the secret room

in #life7 years ago

Archaeologists have an unexpected hypothesis about what's inside the secret chamber of the Keops Pyramid.
Recently, scientists have identified a huge empty space inside the Great Pyramid of Ghiza. The secret room, discovered by special scanners, is 30 meters long and is just above the main corridor leading to the king's funeral room.


Now, archaeologists coordinated by Giulio Magli, a professor at the Politecnico di Milano University, believe they have found and are in this mysterious room. It's a throne, meant to help the deceased pharaoh reach the Underworld.

According to an ancient text that has recently been deciphered, the pharaoh must pass through "the gates of heaven and sit on his throne" before reaching the North Star.

Thus, the newly discovered room would only have a symbolic role, important for the funeral rituals of ancient Egypt, but not a practical function.

Analyzing this text, archaeologists believe that the throne of the pharaoh's past was built of wood and covered with pieces of iron from meteorites. Meteor iron also contains a large amount of nickel.

Moreover, the Egyptians used this metal to make different objects for the pharaohs. A famous example is the dagger discovered in Tutankhamun's tomb.





The Ancient Egypt and its pyramids are one of the greatest secrets in the World, the scientist still have much to analyse before drawing some conclusions about those ancient times.
Personally, I always had interest to know more about any of the ancient cultures, but as of the scarce evidence left to us now, everything is based on speculation and fragmented occurrences.

I was wondering why they build this structures, something is odd about this civilizations.

The hole culture of those times is just, a little bit off. I mean we were thought a completely different things in the school books, then it is evident from the latest discoveries that it is not so.
These were not some limited, small minded 'starter' cultures with no knowledge about the world and technology.
The materials which they used, how they used them, techniques in the building ... nothing fits in.

At first we were thought that the slaves were the engine who dragged up the whole construction, but in the latest thing out, it turns out that only the masons were included in the construction, slaves were actually a working flock in the production of the food and similar, unrelated simple jobs.

Where and how the pyramids were constructed is just mind blowing.

Forget what you learned in High School in your geography class regarding the Egyptian Pyramids. What did you and I learn in High School? Pyramids were built for the pharos (kings & queen) by using slaves, copper tools, and pulleys that helped drag these 10-30 tons granite and limestone rocks. (In Japan they did an experiment to do just that, and even 100 people couldn’t pull a ten ton block more than twenty feet, before they all gave out. (Video is on youtube) Neither did any archeologist found any kind of tomb, body or mummy inside the pyramids, including any hieroglyphic drawings. This is what I thought up until I was 27-28, when I saw a documentary on Youtube regarding the pyramids, and my mind was finally open. The documentary didn’t make me a believer; it only made me a skeptic of how and when the pyramids were built? I didn’t take the first documentary as my holy grail. I wanted to find similar evidence before believing in the finite truth.

History has taught us that Pyramid of Giza was built 5,000 years ago. They also told us how the pyramids were aligned with the Orion star, and everything in the Luxor area was based on astrology and the stars. Even the King Khufu’s head on top of a lion’s body is also an astro-symbolic gesture to the stars. But, if everything was done according to the stars alignments, then building King Khufu’s head on a lion’s body is completely out of sync. If you look directly from the line-of-sight from Khufu’s face, the constellation of Scorpio was rising between 7-5 thousand years ago, but, if you go back 15-25 thousand years ago, the constellation of Leo was rising from the same spot. Knowing clearly well how mathematically precise and accurate Egyptians really where, building a symbol of lion in the age of Scorpio would not had made scene for them. This is just a small analysis of thousands of analogies regarding the timeline of Egyptian history. The Mayan pyramids, too, were build in the exact same time period from carbon dating. This subject is another article on its own.

I can not agree more, this all taken in consideration, there is definitely more than meats the eye.

now, this times we need to research to know little from what happened.

Well that a great post.. Really a very interesting story!!!
Keep like that @!!!

Thanks and i upvotrd as if first comment Thanks again

Very good post. I found some new things. :) thank you very much

Very interesting! Thanks for sharing!

We always thought that pyramid in Egypt is not easy to get through because of many traps planted by the ancient Egyptian.

Great posts! Brilliant illustrations too. The Egyptians sure were brilliant--if a little superstitious. Also great work by the archeologists. One can never exhaust the secrets of the pyramids I guess.

That's an interesting article. Didn't know about this recent discovery. Thanks for this article!

Very good post. See the work of great scientist and power of technology.

Theory: Atlantis happened, and it was terrifying. The survivors came away from that post-Atlantis experienced obsessed with making really strong safe houses, and also in experimenting with human suspended animation/resurrection. These pyramids were not to bury a Pharoh. They were to save a Pharoh and his family, if the NEXT cataclysm occurs. The "void" was a secret, even to the Pharoh, so that a bunch of other guys and families could hide in there too.