in #life6 years ago

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In every field of human endeavour, people are in constant search for experts. When the case of a patient in a hospital defies available options for treatment, a medical consultant receives an urgent invitation. Universities that have not produced sufficient number of professors are hardly reckoned with in matters of great academic exploits and competences. Safety on the roads by vehicles and in the airways and water ways by air planes and canoes/ships are hardly unconnected with the expertise and competence of drivers and pilots in that order.

Learning is a principal instrument of character development and skills acquisition; this learning cannot be effective in the absence of books, research materials and other pieces of information either in soft copies in computer software and in hard copies committed to print in books, journals, letters, magazines, newspapers, tracts and what have you. The universities and institutes are in constant search for researchers who will be disciplined sufficiently to dig out and unearth the wealth of knowledge which earlier scientists, engineers, medical practitioners, legal practitioners, architects and numerous other experts used to service their generations; such great knowledge has to be discovered, updated and utilized to meet needs of people in the church and society today. It takes diligent reading and disciplined study to achieve this great feat.

We should embrace the needed discipline and take bold steps to find out through diligent study the relevant bits of knowledge hidden from view in libraries and archives which the present-day human beings need to improve themselves for fruitful living. Our culture, career and relationships need further enhancement through what we can glean from the ways and works of the past heroes and champions.

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William Shakespeare made history through reading the works of Plutarch who lived before him. Sir Isaac Newton who discovered “the law of Gravitation” ascribed his great achievement to his unique ability to read widely; he described reading as a means of “standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Psychologists describe each human being as a “rational being” that act from ideas in all actions and as an “intellectual being” that is capable of knowing. The author of the book of Proverbs agrees with those opinions (Proverbs 13:16; 14:18). Hence, reading should be made a habit and the quality of information we expose our mind to is very important too for averting ugly repercussions (Proverbs 4:23).

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Reading has availed me a lot! Take amply time to read the right materials and you will travel so far in knowledge and experience right from your leisure corner; a mystery right?



I read somewhere that;

Readers are leaders

Reading exposes you to knowledge, which took the writers years of even a life time to acquire, in just a a minute or even an hour, depending on the book you're reading.

Oh yes! Thanks for stopping by.

Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.

Learning is a principal instrument of character development and skills acquisition.

I so much agree with the above @mrfelix. I have recently found important answers on #christianity and #Christian-trail

I am a Muslim but been feeling lost and empty and currently reading about Jesus and Christianity and been finding succor. Keep it coming thanks.

Check my post here

Thank you @oladokun.


Its so crucial in todays world to get off the screen and into a great book!

Thanks. Stick around for cooler discussions.

will do! followed you : )

Really motivation sir.

I appreciate. Stay motivated.

Reading is a means of growing taller while standing on the backs of giants; that is Isaac Newtons' philosophy.

Oh yes, that is true!

Nice one sir, I think more people need to develop their reading skills and ability, in books lies great knowledge.

Oh yes, in books lie great knowledge.