Accomplishing Goals - Every Day and Every Minute Counts by Endija

in #life7 years ago

For me, I always and still am interested in one thing. Telling story about my life. Whether it is about my day, life or meaningful moment in my life. Or my thoughts in an Instagram post or writing a blog. Or telling and showing my life through video. Short or long, emotional or serious. But with a story.
That is what makes me who I am. And I believe that this will be what will end up as a brand. One day - definitely.

Knowing that every minute and even second can make a big difference in a long term, every thing I do or don't do counts.
I film one short part for my YouTube channel, I sketch 5 minutes a day, take a picture and post it on Instagram with a pretty large text. I experiment with social media. I at least from beginning try to communicate with strangers. Showing my personality and thoughts, I try to be as productive as I can.


These is some of plenty ways I am trying in order to accomplish my goals. And I am not afraid of failure. That is how we learn and move on. At least that is what I do.
Mostly on my Instagram I was posting my art. But then I realized that it is not exactly what I want. I started to post not only my art (witch I should say honestly is hard, because of pressure), but I started to post pictures with myself too.
A lot of people still say to me that it is not how it will work. If I want show myself than I need to make another account. But my answer is - this is not who I am.
I want to make art, but also show a person behind it. In art it is still something new. But I risk. I get even less likes because of that. But it is not my goal.
My goal is to show how it is to be an artist. Human. Person with interests. And not every artist is introvert and do not like to communicate a lot.
Making art is great, but to make not only my art as a brand but myself too is even better. This is my biggest goal.


So far I feel micro progress. And still it is better. Being an artist have taught me one important thing in life. Be patient. May sound weird, but when you need to learn basics or human anatomy being patient is the only way how to learn that. Also, that taught that to get macro progress you have to get at first micro progress. That is why I do not stress about less likes than others have or attention. While I studied art in my bedroom on my own, art taught me a lot more. Not just to be patient, but also that every minute and day I put into work will make a huge difference in a long term. And that is what always keeps me going. Even if i do not see macro now. And
I just begin.
With love,


Your words and thoughts are hiding a lot of wisdom. You may not have the worldwide success, but it can be felt that you have heart in you. Achievers heart, it can be felt through your thoughts in this post, through what you said. Happens rarely, but a great feeling to see a person like this. You must cherish your personality

Oh, some day I hope for worldwide success! :D Hopefully others will feel the same way you feel after reading this. At some point I think I just risk with all this and in a long term I will be really glad that I did all this.
Thank you so much for your kind words, means a lot! Thank you!

wonderful post dear,glad to see you again.
hope you will again make your journey great with us.
have a great day ahead dear.

Thank you so much for your kind words!

The world is filled with good advice and opinions about what we "should" do and how we "should" blog and how we "should" be artists. Society tries to distill our daily lives into some kind of formulaic soup... do it THIS way and you will become a success! but just what IS "a success?"

The funny thing is — when you ask most people — what they remember is the human story behind whatever caught their eye. Never forget to be just you... it's the greatest asset you have.

I agree with you! And that is why at the end I decided to what I feel like to do and feel comfortable with. Otherwise in a long term there is nothing. No happiness or joy of what you do.
There is no right way, just do what you love to do an be who you are.
And by the way, thank you so much for your comment and thoughts! Appreciate!

Nice post Endija, thank you.

Thank you for reading!🙌

Welcome, keep it up : )

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Do what you must. 😊