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RE: If You Want to Be a Writer, Write

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Fighting to have exact 8 things in my goal and target. Apart from i dont have any kids right now. But, the hectic routine and overloaded working hours of the far east are just so annoying.


It certainly can feel that way out here... I like China though, sure the routine is hectic, and you work all the time, but actually being so active gives one a lot of momentum that can happily spill over into other more enlightening and positive things... At least in my experience. Which Far East country are you hailing from?

Yes thats true, only if you dont give in much to the korean dream. I am from south korea

Can't wait to head there! :3
So there's a South Korean dream?
I didn't believe in the American one so I came over to this side of the world! I think believing in a "dream" of a country might not be the best way to go through lyfe ^_^
For me all people and all countries have something to offer, never just our own.

I've been in China for two years and they say there is a dream here, but really all I see is just a booming economy and lots of opportunities. As for a "Dream"? Haha, if driverless cars and 3D holograms for our cellphones is "the dream" I guess it's worth making lots of money and investing in those countries ^^'

I still haven't made it to either Korea or Japan! (Korea FIRST please!)
Been working like a little slave but I can tell will all be worth it!
I will say this, as an outsider to East Asian cultures, I find this part of the world to be the best to be in right now... Maybe if I was born around here I would hate it though! I feel foreigners get treated really well in these countries... Not sure same can be said for visiters in the West!

It's really cool when you finally build that bridge and are able to relate with the people here... I've found Korean, Japanese, and Chinese culture to be incredibly complex and fascinating

Good luck in your crazy chase for riches and fulfillment! :)

Just loved the way and the amount of information you put in this message. Many things said and much rightly said. With very slight exceptions, if you found that china is doing good in terms of foreigners i suggest do not move from there :) South Korea looks good in the start because they keep looking at you like zoo monkey but you realize that you dont get any benefits in fact they all just try to squeeze you. With long working hours, forcing to follow complex korean rules. If you are a female foreigner they would think they can just jump across all boundaries on you. They would behave with you the way they dont even imagine with another korean. It all feels alien. I agree, driver-less cars and holograms are not everything, I think the best is to stay in 1 country for a couple of years and then shift :)

Hey @nahus
Sorry for the late reply!
Yeah, I think moving to South Korea or Japan is not my goal at this point. What you said sounds like it would be my experience! It already took a lot to learn mandarin but I'm just beginning to be able to enjoy the culture here "from the inside". And of course lots of cool opportunities for the future! My dream is to be able to earn money in the mainland, but live in Hong-Kong! *It's a Goldilocks love story for me! The perfect blend of an international and cosmopolitan city with a distinct Chinese heritage and culture!

! + Hong-Kong people are like 10 times more impressed with a foreigner who speaks Mandarin than they are in Beijing ^^

Usually I'm not so impressed when people look down on people from other parts of the world but so far in China I've been able to build my "face" and people seem to treat me like a human being, for which I'm very grateful :)

You're right though, maybe move countries every two years is not always enough to get the most out of a place but I agree being a little nomadic and being a citizen of the world makes for a very rich life!

Thanks for your great answer! Great points of view you kindly shared with me :)
Very honest and also quite funny ^^

I always love your detailed and comprehensive answers, explaining how and what happened and especially, what you felt. It is indeed a dream to stay in Hong Kong as it is more multicultural and accepting. But, at the same time it is crazy expensive. I have a friend living there and she cries almost every day because her room is pretty small, no place to cook.
Well, i dont wanna be negative on everything. lolz as people some times just exaggerate their misery to avoid bad luck. But, i am pretty sure there are many who love the place, for which they do not want to leave from there.
So, yes it takes time for east sections of the world to accept an alien but they are getting used to it and it is actually fun to see how they interact :) Good luck with all the travels of your life.
Thank you so much for warm comments, really means a lot to me

Ya, that work ethic is unreasonable for personal life imo, why 8 things? too much to focus on otherwise?

haha yes actually you mentioned 8 things so i just focused them. Actually, 4 of them are pretty much top priority. Fighting to get work-life balance