Then I ran away as fast as my legs could carry me.
Thank god, because that sounded like a trap if ever I heard one. I mean - what could possibly go wrong?
Some mares need to be put out to pasture.
Then I ran away as fast as my legs could carry me.
Thank god, because that sounded like a trap if ever I heard one. I mean - what could possibly go wrong?
Some mares need to be put out to pasture.
Thats an everything wrong scenario! lol
They do, they really do. Its weird but in my forties I have noticed a lot more of the flirty flirty than in any other decade of my life and I swear its not my deranged imaginings!
Flirty flirty forties for a married man is a temptation trap straight from the devil himself. Either that or those pheromones are on overdrive again.