Benefits of eating passion fruit Passion

in #life7 years ago

Did you know that, thanks to its high percentage of vitamins and minerals, a single piece of passion fruit a day can help you improve your overall health in multiple respects?


Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis) has a surprising number of benefits for your health If you add it to your Diet. Some of these include:

• Preventing cancer cell growth
• Stimulate your digestion and immune function
• Improve your view
• Promotes the health of your skin
• Regulates the balance of fluids in your body
• Lowers blood pressure
• Optimizes circulation and bone mineral density
• Reduces signs of premature aging
• Decreases inflammation
• Improves the habits of Dream
• Eliminates asthma

It may seem a little weird that passion fruit has so many wonders to offer you. It is also a fruit that It tends to happen easily in all kinds of climates. It exists in a wide variety of colors, but the most common are yellow and dark purple.
The passion fruit adds an exotic flavor and appearance to your meals, as well as being so beneficial. Your benefits are far more than you could possibly imagine. Discover some of them below.

Its high nutritional value

Passion fruit is full of minerals and vitamins (Antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, fiber, proteins...).
Many of the percentages of these nutrients are surprisingly high.

Cancer prevention

The antioxidants of the passion fruit, especially the Vitamin A, flavonoids and phenolic compounds have anti-carcinogenic properties, particularly in terms of oral and pulmonary type cancer.
Like this Passion fruit eliminates free radicals known to mutate DNA of healthy cells in carcinogens.

High Vitamin A content

Apart from their anti-cancer properties, vitamin A is also linked to the improvements of ocular health, including prevention of macular degeneration, cataracts and nocturnal blindness.
Also, if you're worried about the appearance of your skin, you'll be pleased to know that These antioxidants are also good for reducing wrinkles.
Vitamin A works specifically to enrich the skin, because it promotes the smooth functioning of the membranes of your body, and keeps your skin hydrated and shiny.


Thanks to its high fiber content, a single portion of this fruit provides 98% of your daily requirement. Fiber is essential in a healthy diet, because it facilitates digestion of food and regulates the movement of your intestine.
Both the pulp and the crust of Passion fruit is a good source of soluble fiber, which acts as a natural laxative and reduces exposure time to feces toxins.
Relieves symptoms of constipation, cleans blood vessels and removes excess Cholesterol, while preventing gastrointestinal diseases such as colon and rectal cancer.

Blood pressure

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If you consume a daily portion of this wonderful fruit, you can satisfy a quarter of the level of potassium your body needs.
Potassium is a mineral vital to the health of the human body for many reasons, among which Their vasodilatory properties stand out, which help the blood flow to be greater.
This, in turn, reduces heart pressure and increases your overall cardiovascular health. Potassium maintains the balance of the fluids of the Cells of the body.
The right amounts of potassium are very important, as you may notice, so if you make sure you eat a passion fruit daily, you will make your heart very happy.

Improves circulation

When you combine the amazing properties of potassium, the high iron and copper content of this fruit, improve your circulation. The Iron And copper are the two essential components of the production of the red cells of your blood.
Once you increase the number of red blood cells and the vessels dilate, Blood becomes healthier because of its oxygenation levels.
Remember that blood runs through your organs and, by transporting oxygen, increases your productivity and efficiency.
A healthy flow of blood is essential for your body to function properly.

Bone Health

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Thanks to the minerals it contains, passion fruit increases the mineral density and strength of your bones.
Some of these minerals are an integral part of the creation of bone matter and the strengthening of this, as well as the acceleration of the repair of your bones.
Eating a passion fruit a day can help you Prevent and alleviate the symptoms of osteoporosis and pain Associated To this disease, as well as the inflammation that occurs when the Bones They deteriorate with age and physical activity.
Other advantages of this fruit is that can help you overcome problems such as insomnia and breathing difficulties.
In addition, it will be very easy to include in your diet thanks to its delicious flavor and easy incorporation in both drinks and desserts as well as your meals.

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