in #life7 years ago (edited)



Drugs (abbreviations of Narcotics, Psychotropic and other dangerous addictive substances) are substances which, if inserted in the human body, either orally / taken, inhaled, or injected, can alter one's thoughts, moods or feelings. Drugs can cause physical and psychological addiction (addiction).

Abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs among young people today is increasingly rising deviation behavior of the younger generation, can endanger the survival of the nation in the future. Because youth as a generation that is expected to become the successor of the nation, the more fragile the day grinded up the addictive substances of nerve destroyers. So that young man can not think clearly. As a result, the generation of hope of a strong and intelligent nation will only stay memories. The target of this drug spread is young people or teenagers. If averaged, the age of this drug target is the age of students, which ranges from age 11 to 24 years. This indicates that the dangers of drugs at any time can target our students at any time.

Drugs are short for narcotics and illegal drugs. While nafza is an abbreviation of narcotics, alcohol, and other addictive substances (drugs, harmful which causes a person to have dependence on these drugs). Both terms are often used for the same term, although the term nafza is broader in scope. Narcotics comes from three types of plants, namely (1) opium, (2) marijuana, and (3) coca. Drug dependence can be interpreted as a condition that encourages a person to take drugs banned repeatedly or continuously. If he does not do it, he feels addicted (sakau) which results in feelings of discomfort and even very pain in the body

Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants or non-plants, both synthetic and semi-synthetic that can cause decreased or altered consciousness, loss of pain and can cause dependence. Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants or non-plants, both synthetic and semi-synthetic that can cause decreased or altered consciousness, loss of pain and can cause dependence. Narcotics are classified into three groups as set forth in Appendix 1 of the law. Which includes narcotics are:

  • Papaver plants, raw opium, opium cook (opium, jicing, jicingko), drug opium, morphine, cocaine, ekgonina, cannabis plants, and marijuana resin.

  • Salts and derivatives of morphine and cocaine, as well as mixtures and preparations containing the above-mentioned ingredients.opium-drug.jpg


Type of Drugs by effect

From the effect, drugs can be divided into three:

  • Depresan, which suppresses the central nervous system and reduces the functional activities of the body so that the user feels calm, even can make the user sleep and unconscious. When overdosing can lead to death. Depressant drug types include opiox, and various derivatives such as morphine and heroin. A popular example now is Putaw.

  • Stimulants, stimulate body function and increase excitement and awareness. Type of stimulant: Caffeine, Cocaine, Amphetamin. Examples that are now often used are Shabu-shabu and Ecstasy.
    Hallucinogens, the main effect is to alter perceptual or hallucinatory power.

  • Hallucinogens are mostly derived from plants such as mescaline from cactus and psilocybin from mushrooms. In addition there are also jugayang mixed in the laboratory like LSD. The most widely used is marijuana or marijuana.


-Drug abuse is caused by several factors including the following:

Lack of Self-Control
People who try to abuse drugs usually have little knowledge about drugs, the dangers posed, and the rule of law that prohibits drug abuse.

-Individual / Emotional Conflict Unstable
People who experience conflicts will experience frustration. For individuals who are unusual in dealing with problem solving tend to use drugs, because they mistakenly think that anxiety caused by individual conflicts can be reduced by consuming drugs.

-Life Live Happy / Luxury

People who are used to luxurious living often try to avoid more complicated problems. Usually they prefer to solve problems instantly, practically, or take a short time so that will choose the simple ways that can provide pleasure through drug abuse that can give a sense of euphoria excessive.


There are some symptoms for drug users

Signs or symptoms of possible drug abuse to a person can be seen in the following ways:

*. Physical symptoms, among others:

  • Weight loss down drastically
  • The eyes look sunken and red, pale face, and lips are blackish
  • The hands are full of red spots, like mosquito bites and there are marks of incision scars. Scratches and discoloration at the injection site
    -Prow and urinate less lancer
  • Constipation or abdominal pain for no apparent reason

*. Emotions, among others

  • Very sensitive and quickly bored
  • When rebuked or scolded, showing rebellious attitude
  • Emotions rise and fall and do not hesitate to beat people or talk harshly against family members or people around him
  • Uncertain appetite
  • Behavior
  • Lazy and often forget his routine responsibilities and tasks
  • Show the attitude of not caring and away from family
  • Often meet a stranger, leave without saying goodbye, and come home midnight
  • Likes to steal money at home, school or workplace and mortgage valuables at home. So even with his valuables, many are missing
  • Always run out of money
  • Time at home often spent in the bedroom, closet, warehouse, dark room, bathroom, and other lonely places
  • Fear of water and lazy bathing. When exposed to water will hurt
  • Frequent cough and runny nose
  • Often lie and break promises with a variety of reasons
  • Frequently yawning
  • Excessive sweating
  • Often nightmares
  • Frequent pain in the head


The impact of drugs on the physical
Drug users will experience the following physical disturbances:

  • His weight will drop drastically. The impact of drugs on the physical
    Drug users will experience the following physical disturbances:

  • His weight will drop drastically.

  • His eyes will look sunken and red.

  • His face was pale.

  • His lips becoming black.
    Her hands were covered with red spots.

  • Urinary and small defecation.

  • Constipation or abdominal pain for no apparent reason.

  • His eyes will look sunken and red.

  • His face was pale.

  • His lips became black.
    Her hands were covered with red spots.

  • Urinary and small defecation.

  • Constipation or abdominal pain for no apparent reason.

The impact of drugs on emotions
Drug users will experience emotional changes as follows:

  • Very sensitive and easily bored.
  • If reprimanded or scolded, the user will show a rebellious attitude.
  • Emotion is not stable.
  • Loss of appetite.


thanks to readers, hopefully useful

hopefully we stay away from drugs

Have a nice day

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