It’s Good To Be Home!

in #life6 years ago

I’ve been gone so long I feel like I need a new Intro post! But, damn it feels good to be back to this community!

Life had me chasing my tail as it so often does. I got laid off, got a new job with my same company a week later (yeah, I know). Then family, holidays, visits, here, there, add some grocery store trips, our 2.5 year old, and some Spring landscaping and boom there goes a friggin month or more lol!

I say all that to say, I wasn’t doing myself any favors by being gone. I need this outlet, I’m a thinker, sometimes over thinker, an analyzer, a worrier, these are my bad traits. I can get stuck in my head and focused on everything but myself and well, that’s exactly what happened.

The good part of me loves the hell out of everyone, maybe to a fault. If you told me, ‘hey, Nicole, I’m in a bad way and need some help with xyz’ I would more than likely be thinking and researching coming up with a way to help solve whatever issue you got going on. I may use that as a distraction from my own, who knows, but at the end of the day I LOVE helping others.

Regardless, tonight I’m sitting at home while my husband, daughter, and 2 dogs are sleeping. My thoughts are bouncing from here and there and everywhere. I’m literally like that meme where they say women think like they have 7,852 tabs open in one browser. So, I’m sitting here and I’m like I need to meditate, my thoughts are scattered as hell and I need some damn focus. But, calming the thoughts to meditate isn’t always that easy as we all know. And, I’m a writer, not in the ‘check out my fancy semicolon writer’ just the, ‘I write to free myself of my thoughts and get out what I need to get out’ writer... and that is how I ended up back home... here on SteemIt! My mother f’n casa, my safe spot, my den, my inkwell and my pen home again home again jiggity jig! Lol!

Currently, I’m trying to untangle the thought of wether contentment is small mindedness or if the idea of small mindedness is actually filled with ego and the pressure to need/want/ work for more.

But, that’s for another post and since I’m friggin back home I’m gonna make another post and another and another after that! Lol! Because dammit, it feels to have the conversations in my mind out and it feels good to know that someone might read this and relate and might be like, Nicole, I feel you! Haha!

Well, thanks y’all for catching up with me! Sending all the looovvveee to you all and thank you for still being here! ❤️😊🙏🌸🌼




Welcome back! That’s a beautiful pic of you!

Thank you @fancynancy1 hope you have been doing great! Looking forward to seeing some Spring pics of the horsey’s! Oh and check out the new earrings I got the other day! Figured you’d like them being a fellow horse lover 🐴 ❤️8234B737-6288-48FC-B76A-6EC6D949DB72.jpeg

I’m great thank you. I love them!

I love your writing voice! I just looked inside your skull. Haha

Thank you, @intrepidthinker!!! I’ve missed you! And if you got a peek in this skull all I have to say is welcome to the crazy house lol! We’ll be serving coffee and crumpets later with a side of canna butter enjoy! Haha! All the love to you!!! 😊💕🙏

Thank you @forester-joe ! It’s good to be back and it’s good to see your name again! Looking forward to seeing you post some of you playing your guitar and singing soon! 🎶 😊
