Enjoying the little things in life

in #life4 years ago


"The less I needed, the better I felt."

Today was a good day. Very simple but important as I got reminded how amazing it feels to fully enjoy the little, everyday things and be present in the moment. This is something I try to be aware of and be grateful for, but sometimes time just passes by, my mind is wandering and I keep myself entertained without even a second to stop and appreciate the moment itself.

If nothing else, there are two things that "trigger" my gratitude - sunshine and coffee. In the next few months sunny days won't be an everyday thing (a reason to appreciate them even more when they happen) but coffee is something that, most likely, will be part of my every day routine. After rainy days, we finally got some sun today so I took my coffee outside. Lovely!
My eating habits are not the best lately and I am not going to try and change that overnight, but I'll definitely pay attention on the food I am having and look for better options. Having regular meals is also something I need to work on. So this was my snack today, just some homegrown figs while we still have them around.
My, what turned to be, plant table got a small palm tree as an addition. This plant used to be on top of our wood burning stove but since we're using it now, two plants had to find another spot. The another one is huge so it's in the living room and I took this smaller one. What started with one aloe vera plant looks like this now. :)
I also got to read one chapter of the book I'm currently reading - "Norwegian wood" by Haruki Murakami. Once I finish this one, I'll complete my 2020. reading challenge of 20 books which is great considering the fact I read only 7 books last year. I might go through another chapter before bed.
To end the day, I enjoyed my favorite view from the garden. The weather today was quite nice, sunny but still a little bit cold and fresh. I didn't stay outside too long in the evening but it was still enough to catch another beautiful sunset.

Overall, these small things I like and enjoy made me feel grateful today. I'll try to carry on this mindset throughout my daily life, especially in the upcoming months when I need it the most. I might come up with a designated topic to post about it on Hive as this is something I really enjoy sharing. Let me know what are you grateful for today? I hope you had a good one!
