Can Eco-Conscious Transportation Be Cool?

in #life6 years ago

Can Eco-Conscious Transportation Be Cool?

We all know by now that transportation can be costly. Not only in terms of bank accounts but to our Earth’s health and our own. Those emissions given off by our preferred mode of travel mix in with the air we breathe, as well as the Earth’s atmosphere. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but this is not a good thing.


I’ve always wondered about alternative modes of transportation. If I can go on a road trip and don’t drive and maybe take a train and maybe have an adult beverage, I am going to choose that option. But a lot of times trains are more expensive than the gas it would take to get somewhere, and they also take what seems like a million times longer. So what are my other options? What eco-friendly transportation options exist?

How do I travel while being eco-conscious, but not using public transportation? I took to the streets and mostly the internet to find out. Here are my findings!
Instead of trying to change the Earth and force it to give us what we want, we should to work with it, striving for the health and happiness of all beings that live here by supporting the only globe we roam.

Check out a few other articles we’ve featured here on EWC that use the fusion of art, design, and science to move us forward, such as these beautiful cells and bacteria or the way this specially designed place for the deaf population can change each of our lives.


The only think I will say is if it uses batteries its not environmentally friendly. Batteries are horrible things.