Ranting About Feelings

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Have you ever been so vulnerable to someone and lose yourself in them???

That you have bared your heart and soul to them. You have shown them the side of you that you keep hidden deep inside.

You have introduced them to your demons and the nightmare that keeps you awake late at night.

Cause I have. 

Sometimes it's better to be on your own no attachment, no commitment. No shit at all. Cause as you get attached to someone that's when you start expecting and you start hoping and let me tell you. Hope is a dangerous thing. 

I'm not saying that getting attached is bad but getting attached to the wrong one is dangerous for your mental and physical health. I keep saying that "We Do Not Decide Who We Fall In Love With, It Just Happens" and I actually believe it too.

But again Love, attachment, connection and all they are just illusion. It's always good in the starting and then it starts getting bitter as the time goes by.

I have fallen in love couple of times and well I can say that it is an amazing feeling but as said before loving the one who doesn't return the feeling back sucks. I still remember the bittersweet memories of waiting for that someone you love, it is truly amazing feeling cause you wait for them and then they come around and that meeting after a long wait Wow! it is mind-blowing.

Next is missing, at times when you miss them, it gets hard to breath, it feels like all the air has vanished from the atmosphere. You lose your mind, nothing seems right & the whole world starts looking gray. But, again once they are there everything is back to normal.

Then comes making love to them. Normally as a human, we do have multiple sexual partners, after all, we do crave for that physical touch and that hunger for the flesh. But, having sex and making love is two different thing. 

Sex is to satisfy that hunger of the flesh, you enjoy it for the moment that's all. But making love, it is a connection of a soul,  every touch, every kiss, every breath it is the best feeling. To make love to the person you love is like getting connected to that next level, the feeling that you can't even describe even though you want to.  It goes to that next level intimate connection, and the afterglow it's amazing. 

Now, next is the fighting and the bitterness, every time things like that happens it rips your soul apart, with every fight you start losing that respect and feeling you have for each other. But even in that, there is one person who is hurt more than other. 

Then comes the break-up. You just pack your bag and leave. Leaving always doesn't mean that you were staying together, it's like emptying your heart and trying to forget that person. Even in this, there is one who is affected more than other.

Now coming back to me.  Every time I bare my soul & heart to someone I end up becoming that other person who is affected more. I don't usually fall but when I do I fall hard and getting back up is always been very difficult. I usually prefer, no attraction & no commitment usually it's all about that hunger of flesh and I feel it's better that way then getting attached.

So yeah that's all. Just wanted to rant and take out somethings out that's all.

Thanks ya all for reading.....


Original content but the pic was uploaded somewhere online long back...