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RE: My Father died in Lung Cancer bcoz of Smoking... This is "Must Read and Must share article guys..."

in #life7 years ago

It is a sad post but is important to share also sad experiences too, hard smokers often do not want to listen or to stop, they do not care about their health and we must help them to undesrstand that smoking a lot is dangerous and can leads to many health problems =(


Thanks for dropping by my friend @noemilunastoria please feel free to resteem and share it with others, we may saved someone's loved ones...thanks

My granfather too have some lungs problems, he smoked, smoke was not his pricipal problem because he worked in an unhealthy factory and breathed unhealthy substances but smoke increase a lot his health problems so i feel very sad and angry about that.

There is no sense of working if that results in deteriorating of your health... Hope he can do other jobs much better for his health... Money just come and goes but health is really big deal

yes i know, but here in the past we do not know what was healthy or not, they know about some substances only later when who worked with them start to have injuries. That was a big fault of ignorance , something do at " Italian way" without control if something is dangerous or not. =(

yeah, confusion sometimes hit us in another way around... sad reality...

They always have to say why they continue smoking like "it helps in stress, my only vices, etc etc..." If they don't care for themselves, please do care for their loved ones because they are suffering too...for loss of money paying hospital bills, medicine, your effort and time, and also mental and emotional stress... Thank u, I hope my experience and this blog can give awareness to many people around the world... Smoking really kills... It was proven and please do not prove it again and again and again

True, they often use stress as an excuse, i honestly do not understand how difficoult can be stop smoking because i do not smoke and everyone say it's very hard stopping it, but i think it' s useful create more sensibility around that topic, everyone know that smoking is bad for health but we still sell cigaretess legally...

following you now, you've shared a great point of view...

i resteem you, i think your post must be resteemed =)

thank you @noemilunastora count on me I'll support your future blog as well...

Followed also @noemilunastora great points on this blog.
Sharing this with my dad and sister again @hiroyamagishi. Again so sorry for your loss and I appreciate the sharing to open up everyone's eyes about the realities of lung cancer.

@luvabi glad you liked it...following you as well...