Now Is Your Chance: The Silver Lining

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Many of you are losing interest in this place now, as you watch your reward values steadily decline.

I'll let you all in on a little secret now.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Now Is Your Chance.jpeg
Now Is Your Chance

It's not really a secret.

You've heard the myth though.

They'll always say:

It was easier to earn here, back in the day.

That line typically comes from people who were not here, back in the day. They're simply regurgitating a portion of the sales pitch used when paid votes first came onto the scene, or they're a disgruntled member who came here expecting a free lunch all while despising those who put in the time and effort it takes to get anywhere, here.

With these rewards and token values on a steady decline these days, you're now experiencing a portion of the struggle many of us who were here 'back in the day' had to face.

Does this feel easier?

No. Of course it doesn't.

Now you're worried about your future here, possibly thinking the place is going to die, yadda yadda yadda.


If you were already feeling like crap because your post was earning $1 while STEEM was worth $1, meaning you only received one STEEM, chill out. Now if your post earns $1, you're getting more than 2 STEEM.

If your $1 post brings in more than 2 STEEM and STEEM's value skyrockets back up to $5, your $1 post would then be worth more than $10.

Many of us who were here, back in the day, blogging for 10 cent STEEM, earning one or two dollars per post, were taking in 10 to 20 STEEM per one or two dollar post. None of us knew, back in the day, our low value posts would someday be worth over $100 at one point. We had no way of predicting the future. The struggle was as real then as it is now.

In that moment, we still had to put up with low value payouts. Some members back then decided it was a waste of time and they missed out on earning cheap STEEM. They then came running back when the value was high but had to start all over again from the bottom, earning $1 per post or less, while the rest of us were earning $20, $30, even $100 because we worked on maintaining a following willing to vote for our work, while those members who couldn't hack it were gone.

It all boils down to being in the moment.

Try your best to not think about how much 'today' sucks.

You're now experiencing how hard it actually was to earn back in the day.

Work towards your future. We can't change the past and now happened so fast that it's a new now, now, almost instantaneously. Today will be gone tomorrow, so don't worry about it. Tomorrow might suck just as much but that'll be gone next week.

On behalf of everyone:

I'm sorry.

I tried my best over the past year to explain why it's a bad idea to pay people to look away. I've done my part to encourage others to be mindful of the community, I've insisted they stick around and save some SP so they can vote for posts and help. Many refuse to help and there's nothing I can do to change their minds. Finding a balance and working together towards a common goal would be wise, but unfortunately 'teamwork' isn't something everyone is a fan of. That's life.

Right now would be the perfect time to ramp up curation efforts the organic way simply because so many have lost hope due to lower valued post rewards combined with a lack of members willing to vote; they're leaving. We'll just have to make do with what we have and reward those who stick around, still willing to help make this place a thing.

I'm looking forward to weathering the storm with you all. Those of you who are about a year old here or less, the members from that group will become the second group of seasoned veterans who've seen it all once the dust settles and we begin to rebuild.

Keep in mind: There are still many positives to pull from this situation; try to focus on those.

This will most likely be my last post on Steemit.


By that I mean on the topic of Steemit.

I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding but I found out the hard way, through the rumor mill of all things, Ned muted yours truly around the time this discussion took place.

I obviously did or said something wrong so if anyone out there can suggest ways for me to improve in that department, I'm all ears. I certainly don't enjoy making the same mistakes more than once.

At the same time, if my voice is not meant to be heard, regardless of what I do or say, good or bad, by the head honchos, then so be it. I'll spend my time just doing whatever, focusing on my blog, my world, where I belong. Yes, it's disheartening, discouraging, confusing; making me feel unwelcome. I won't let something like that bring me down. I'm sure this place will be just fine without me adding my two cents so I'll just hodl my pennies. Maybe they'll be worth something, someday.

Other than that...

I got nothing.

I hope you enjoyed the art. I thought it was rather fitting, for reasons I'll keep to myself.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"It is, what it is."

Thanks for stopping in and leaving a few words. I thought about buying votes, for the first time... Powered up instead.

Images © 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


Dude you were pulling down 10c payouts back when I was only dreaming of 10 cent payouts!

But holy crap this week is a crypto spanking - making shit loads is so much more fun than losing shitloads...

I'm going to start calling you "mynameslouisehay" now

I've had a few good runs. I've also lost more than most. There are still folks out there with a guaranteed payday, with every post, and I'm sitting here grinding away, feeling like I'm going backwards, getting muted LOL! Just call me depressed instead.

Yeah I know the feeling but I'm trying to be more exciting with my latest post!

I'm blissfully unaware of the drama surronding the person you mentioned, so I haven't a clue what all that is about, but I do like the gist of this post. I've been here technically over a year because I joined July 2017 BUT I didn't really start steem until the beginning of this year, so I'm still a newbie. However, I love that, in a way, the steem is back down again, as it just sort of is like a time travel machine to go back when people said, "If I could have got in at X" it's the same with Bitcoin, it's going down now, so everyone will panic but they'll be the same ones buying back in at 10,000.

I still contend that I am here most days because I truly LOVE the platform. I mean I 100 percent of the time earn zero dollars on any Facebook/Insta post, (of course it does drive sales to my site, but that's the ONLY reason I really use those sites) HERE I come to enjoy reading other artists/creators/bloggers/travelers and if I earn a buck here or there, hey, it's like having coffee with friends and someone slips a tip in your pocket, so no complaints.

I'll stick around when it's pennies a post and happily hopefully be earning IF it ever goes back to 10 a post!

I wouldn't say it's drama. Just knowing many more knew about it before I did meant I should probably set the record straight. If I'm on a shit-list, it's probably best for people to see why before they decide to blacklist me. I've been placing a lot of time, energy and focus on this this platform; treating it like a job. Losing more support over some nonsense just means I'll be going out of business, and that doesn't sit well with me, because I enjoy this.

What the hell? I watched that convo, it seemed totally reasonable, that sucks he muted you for that, like THAT was too much criticism or something? Wow, anyway I don't want to be to vocally happy because I feel like it's like laughing at a funeral right now, but I'm actually really excited about this crash.

I got into crypto when the rest of the world did at the end of 2017. The more I learned, the more I felt like I'd missed the boat. I missed .07 cent Steem, I missed less than $100 ETH, I missed cheap BTC, but now I'll have a second chance. All the people that were screaming lambo, lambo are getting squeezed out and everyone who understands the potential here and in other projects has a second chance to get in while the prices don't even come close to representing the value of the tech. Now's the time. Now's our chance.

I can see the benefits a good culling can bring. I've been in on this world for over two years. I got to take advantage of that bull run due to some beginners luck trading before it all went down. Still lost far more than I'm comfortable mentioning; and now this. Dude, I must be insane because I'm with you, feeling like things will bounce back and make far more sense in the future now.

LOL... yeah, I don't know why I got the mute treatment there. Maybe it's something else, or like I said, just a misunderstanding. It doesn't matter though. I can take a hint, I'll be fine.

me too i want the 7 cents back! (for a short time only though)

I see a monochromatic watercolour of a prehistoric cave painting of a bull. Fitting. It is not just Steem. The way I look at is who would benefit from seeing cryptocurrencies suppressed? Probably the same people suppressing precious metals because...

I'm glad someone caught the prehistoric cave painting feel. That's how I'm seeing it as well when up close. From far it paints a different picture, with the right eyes anyway.

When I stand really far back, a devilish face, and maybe body, pop out on the left.

The bright side of things is that less people willing to engage will leave more of the reward pool for those who do engage actively. I have been here since the top in late December and despite the declines I have seen the ecosystem grow and become more versatile so I remain positive. I learned early on with my $.03 reward posts while Steem was at $4 that it was a road about engagement, community, content and consistency. So here I am almost a month away from my anniversary posting every day and engaging more actively than ever to grow my account aside from the thousands of dollar I have put in and will continue to as well. I think the groundwork has been set and better days will come!

There are still plenty of positives to pull out of this, that's true. Only those who can handle it will benefit. For some reason I feel people benefiting is far more likely than people losing.

Dang, my normally smart ass reply will have to be serious now.

Awesome Post. Grinding away for .07 cent steem, we had it easy...

The day Dan quit... That was easy

When the reward pool broke.. Cake Walk.

When it took a month to refill.. Totally easy.

Anyway, yeah with or without bots, we need to curate and there aren't enough of us that are active and engaged.

Maybe it will be easier now with less people to sort out.

I can't seem to recall a time when it was easy here. Even when I had a few posts getting high rewards, I was always preparing myself for days like this, thinking I could lose it all with the flip of a switch, always on edge. Yet I sat here trying to write jokes for so long. These days, holy shit is it ever hard to think up something funny; and I think I'm losing support now because I simply can't find a way to be on every day. Blah...

Maybe it will be easier, and I might have to go hunting again because my feed has been a lot quieter lately. I'll need to fill in those gaps. Just reached a total of 1300SP in curation reward so hopefully there's some good stuff out there to click.

I like your silver lining. And am slightly willfully ignorant of the crypto prices and the steem politics XD\n\nStill a bit unpleasant about being muted when you were trying to help. \n\n

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't really know what to say about it anymore. It won't be heard anyway so there's not much point in talking, even if it is helpful. That's how it feels, I guess.

Salright we can only do what we can do. There's so many other interfaces now, and if worse comes to worse there will be other projects :)

As much as I'm afraid that crypto is dead forever ATM, I also always prefer these quieter times on Steemit, when only those who are here because they like being here are left.

I'm sorry you were made to feel unwelcome. I'm glad for this post.

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't talk about crypto much but of course it's high up on my list of personal interests, and I do pay a lot of attention to the crypto world. What's bringing it down now seems to be greed and human error. The same element is present here. People only thinking of themselves, willing to bring the place down for a few hundred dollars worth of paid votes or whatever. The bright side is this place has a solid community of people who do care, people who want nice things in the future, and they're not quiet about it.

As for that unwelcome part. Fuck it.

Exactly. As much as I want us all to find financial freedom, hey at the end of this month, I will have written a novel. And if it weren't for the people on Steemit encouraging me, I wouldn't have written a novel. Maybe it's not a great novel (though some of the chapters have gotten curie votes) but it's still more prose than I've ever strung together before, and that's an accomplishment in and of itself. Building good habits.

There's that app that gamifies tasks for you... you, like, level up and fight monsters by going for your daily run or cleaning or whatever, but the artifice was too real. Here, even though the "pay" is a pittance for the effort, it seems like a real level up reward for things I want to be doing anyway. And again, the people who support you really do care enough.

I wouldn't have done anything I've done here without the support and encouragement everyone else provided. I would have wasted another two years of my life zoning out and playing video games, earning nothing, had it not been for this place. I'd probably off somewhere getting triggered by a pointless comment made within a Facebook group or something equally disappointing. This place rewards genuine humanity. I don't even have to fake it. People seem to be fine with this mess of a man I am. That in itself offers the feeling of reward.

Interaction online seems far more difficult to me these days than it did when I was a kid and we used chat rooms. But steemit seems to have recaptured some of that. Perhaps because we're not all yet stuck in our boxes. There are few enough of us that we even interact with people we don't agree with, which is what people do IRL, too. I think that's essential to behaving like a decent human and having insightful thoughts: interacting with new ideas.

Posted using Partiko Android

He muted you??? What the actual fuck?? I really hope that was accidental, I've accidentally hit that before when I meant to follow someone, so it could be that's the case. I'd like to know, so I'm going to ask. I have a HUGE problem with it if he did it intentionally because he couldn't deal with your very reasonable comments.

Yeah, I guess so, and I found out the hard way as I was scrolling through my feed, picking posts at random to look at. I'm reading, there's my name and a screenshot and someone was talking about me being muted by Ned. I don't see why it's anyone's business and of course that made me look bad like I had somehow made the shitlist or as if I'm part of some group of haters. So now I'm sitting here thinking people will turn their backs on me. No context was included with the rumor post like I made sure to include here. I'm not angry, I think I'm more frustrated with the rumor mill, even though they said some good things about me. The delivery was all off though. Of course it made me feel like crap and unwelcome, like I wasted time giving a shit about this place for two years. I don't know what else to say. I think it was a misunderstanding but I don't know.

It was only about a year ago that I learned about the internal market from @everittdmickey. I am slowly learning about and thinking about trying to invest some money to buy some steem. One year ago I did not make much on a post, today I still do not make much on a post. So the price of steem does not really effect me to much other than it is really hard to give a two cent vote on very many post. So adjustments were made. It is nice to see that people are trying to get more votes out to people, I wish I could get to as many people as I used to, but even with the increase in my steem power, my vote power has significantly decreased. There is still good stuff to find on steemit to vote on, it just takes looking around a little bit.

I like your art, it kind of looks like a satin sheet being kicked up and getting ready to softly float down and cover you in comfort. Here's to soft landings.

Those capable of looking to the future will be able to see what the low value vote today is worth down the road. If they're not happy with it, they probably won't be happy with ten or twenty cent vote coming their way either.

The art was a tricky piece to put together, even though it probably looks simple. When you stand back at a distance with that image on a large screen, something might appear.