Penises: We Need More Penises

in #life5 years ago

Isn't it strange how, when you look around the crypto sphere,
you simply don't see any penises?

NoNamesLeftToUse - My Penis.jpeg

What's up with that?!

More penises will save STEEM!

Everyone knows that.

Over the years, the penis has been portrayed as something unfit for society. It's often hidden away, tucked into uncomfortable positions, and only gets to come out to play when someone has given the penis permission to do so. If it itches, you have to pretend that's not happening, especially in public, because there's a list full of perverts and you'll get added to it if you're not careful.

You know what I'm talking about. Just try to cross a border. "Have you been convicted of touching your penis in public? Piss in any alleys lately? Boxers or briefs?"

Imagine not being able to go to STEEMfest because your penis was itchy.

It's no wonder we don't have enough penises here; it's simply too dangerous for penises. Many penises wouldn't even know what to do with something like a blockchain, because where do you even put it?

But in order to have a strong economy, penises are required.

Lots of penises and lots of vaginas coming together means more penises and vaginas.

You can tell, just by looking around, and not seeing any penises; something must be done! Before it's too late.

The penis is repressed and just look what it's doing to the value of the token!

Perfect Timing.jpeg

It's my theory that if I walk into a retail store and whip out my cock, I should be handed a gift card worth $100 in STEEM.

That would make things easier for all penises. Penises need things to be easy.

Those things would be flying off the shelves!

Trust me! I'm an expert.

We need more penis incentives, clearly.

We need to make this easy for the common penis because penises are usually only good for one thing but society can change!

If we just embrace the penis, allow the penises to grow, make the penis feel at home, for sure STEEM will moon.

It's so painfully obvious. Not enough penises.

It's something to think about.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"It's about time the penises rise up and grab life by the balls!"

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


So you do not think that penis scarcity is a good thing? If you walk the streets of Moscow, you hardly see a penis.

We need more penises. Everywhere you look, you should see a penis.

Simple keyboard muff function male friction I mean diction Danget!! “Malfunction.” P.e.n.s—pens without the eye I.


It's okay. We can say 'penis' now. I've made it safe again.

This post gave me penis envy. I've never had penis envy before, but now I do.

I don't have it bad enough to go shopping for a penis, I'll probably just talk to my husband about maybe sharing his. I don't really need my own.

If I did want my own that would be okay with most people, but totally not okay with my husband I guess.

Hmm. I need to think about this...

ded, hilarious!


Is his detachable? Because that would be handy. Worlds are opening before my eyes.

Penis delegations!

You're a genius!

RCs -Rockhard Cock delegations soon I believe......
.....................................................^ coming

I know I'll be sharing mine.

how come he don’t just post his penis already, i have before, he must be scared! lol

Lol i didnt understand the purpose of this post until i read that post from taskmaster lol.

Good work

Posted using Partiko Android

Didn't want to make it too obvious. That's the bonus joke.

I only have one penis in my life and that is plenty enough for me.

At least you're not afraid to say it.

Damn. Wish I had a better one.

Pills and exercise!

More testosterone? The PC people wont like you.

Who are they to judge. <---- see what I did there!

Not sure what's wrong but when I try to read this post my app crashes.. must be the penis

Posted using Partiko Android

That's just the system trying to repress my penis.


Posted using Partiko Android

Omg Partiko crashed 5 times trying to read this post. I had to open Steempeak.

These are the steem parodies i love. My penis salutes you. Hands free of course

Posted using Partiko Android

My penis thanks you.

What an image indeed

Posted using Partiko Android

I just love the graph....Fuuuuuuuuuuck !


That graph has been with me for about as long as my penis.