This Cat is Disgusting [Apollo]

in #life7 years ago


Y'know, this cat causes so much trouble it's not even funny. He's a massive pain in the ass. (Yet, when he almost died, we worked our asses off to get him healthy again.)

Then he has moments like this. When he's passed out and adorable. But don't let that fool you. He's a monster.


An adorable little monster! And he looks happy. :)

That little bastage better be happy! Haha.

Seriously though. Major pain in the ass. But we love our ginger beast. Even if sometimes we're not entirely sure why.

He's finally starting to get a little bit of a belly. Which is a huge relief, because his weight has been an issue for a long time. His fur is getting much softer. He seems to be getting overall healthier, with some exceptions. But we'll have to wait to address those until our finances start improving.

Now if only he'd start being nice to Comet, things would be fucking fantastic.

All of your cats seem so awesome! They may be evil, but that is fine. XD

He's not evil, just a massive asshole.

The other three definitely aren't evil.

I have a little monster that looks very similar - two of them, actually. But, one of them looks almost identical to yours... I feel your pain! lol

Hobie & Mango

My monster is an actual monster though. Abused by my genetic cesspool, so his behavior is messed up and it's taking a long time and a lot of patience to correct it.

Your babies are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them! ♡

The softest monster

The other three are still softer than Apollo, but he's catching up fast! He'll be tying with Comet soon. But I'm not sure if he can ever tie with Nova, as Nova's coat is fairly unique. I don't think any cat can tie with or ever beat Cosmo in softness. Medium-length feathery fur, ragdoll mix, and on top of that, now he has that super soft old man fur going for him.

If they could've bred cats like him for fur coats. They would've, but it's rare to find a cat as soft as Cosmo.

When Cosmo sheds, you should collect his fur and make scarves out of it.

He doesn't produce enough fur or I would. :(

Looks like a young version of the cat im staring at right now.

Six years old and almost died in late October. Had either a seizure or a stroke or possibly both while in critical condition (from something else), but there doesn't seem to have been any permanent damage aside from occasional loss of bladder control while sleeping deeply since it happened. And he drools a little more. But everything else (personality dysfunctions and all) seem perfectly intact.

You'd never guess, looking at him today.

Worked my ass off keeping the little bastard alive. He was clinging to life, least I could do was fight as hard as he was. Vet wanted to put him down, seemed to think it was the only humane thing to do. (He had the seizure/stroke at home after he'd been seen at the vet. The vet that wanted to put him down never learned of it. He seemed fine, but she would just push euthanasia anyways, so we didn't call and tell her.)

[Coughcough] I beg to differ.

This looks like a pretty damn happy cat to me.

thats one tuff cat.
I agree, looks like a happy kitty to me.
Your cat is lucky to have someone that cares as much as you do as an owner.

Thank you. Our cats are our children. They mean the world to us.

i understand that. Fucker is super cute and if u want a pict of what it will look like in 8 years let me know. i have the old version of your cat. like serious the picts of ur cat look like mine 5 years ago.

You're more than welcome to share pictures of him. :3

they are crapy pictures and he has alot of gray but even the pattern on the top of their head looks the same to me.
photo 1
photo 2
photo 3
photo 4
was pitch black in the room and the flash made him look at me like WTF but as blurry as they are i think you can see what im saying, or im just crazier then i thought i was.

That look's so cute wonder this monster has a superpower of attracting everyobe including me @novaatebateman

Just think, he's the least cute of our four cats. And the meanest.

omgdatbanhammer In 1987 cats overtook dogs as the number one pet in America.