in #life7 years ago

Set priorities, then strategize. Create some time to develop a game plan before diving into any project. This forethought can help you overcome potential hurdles.


Don’t hesitate or delay. Worrying about a task doesn’t count as working on it. Instead of putting off your most pressing deadlines, address them. Getting these assignments out of the way first by addressing them will lower your stress level and make your overall goal seem easier .

Take a break when necessary. Take short breaks to relieve tension. Go for a walk or engage in conversation with your colleagues,especially If you can’t leave your workstation, take deep breaths and try to clear your head for a few minutes

Request for assistance. Some jobs simply can’t be done by one person, even if you are the best at what you do. If you’re doing everything possible to meet your targets and still see no end in sight, identify duties that can be delegated and ask for assistance.

Stay calm. Even the most composed and well-mannered professionals can become frustrated and temperamental when under stress. Don’t contribute to worsening the situation.Though it’s not always easy,to take criticism on hectic days. Think before speaking when you angry is better you don't say anything you fell at that time calm down and alsondon’t let anyone else’s poor attitude affect your own.

I hope these points will be helpful.You can share you opinion via comments

@nuell cares


This post reminds me of my favorite quote from Winston Churchill, "Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning."
Looking forward for more of your posts. 😊