From Good to Bad to Good!

in #life7 years ago

So Yesterday I went out with 2 of my Friends to get a nice long ride in. Our plans were all working out and we were all on our bikes at about 10:30AM. We rode about 5kms down to one of the most enjoyable downhills near us, and MAN DID WE HAVE FUN!!! We were Jumping and Weaving all over the place, getting our Energy and Adrenaline flowing!! At the bottom of the downhill we had to turn into the area we originally planned to ride in, and this is where the fun started decrease a bit. The road was long and flat with nothing else to do besides look at the road and speak to your Friends... And this is what we did.

While riding on that road we found some concrete pavements to actually do something on... I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to have some fun so I rode on the narrow concrete for as long as I could, just to get my energy levels back up on a higher level.
Later on that same road some chaos happened, And this is no exaggeration... The 3 of us were riding and trying to pace ourselfs when two ladies came past us telling us to keep still on the road, I mean it wasn't like we were moving much but we listened to them anyway, just after that we heard another cyclist coming up behind us with a tremendous Speed, My friend having a natural instinct, looked back to see what it was, as he looked back his front wheel had clipped my back wheel and while trying to avoid falling turned away from my wheel... at that exact time, the guy at speed hit him from behind sending them both to the ground and rolling in the road. My other Friend and I rushed off of our bikes to help them up, the guy was screaming and going balistik whereas my friend wasn't making a noise, this is when we knew that something wasn't right. My Friend was okay, walking away with 2 roasties.... The other guy wasn't that lucky, as he went over his handlebars he tried to catch himself and ended up breaking his wrist.... We immediatly called an ambulance, luckily there was help very near, 2 very kind men had come and picked him up and taken him to the hospital.

After all this had happened we all stood in shock for atleast another 10 minutes... Then we rode again, all agreeing that we should ride a hard ride for the last 15kms, so we all hit it and went all the way to the Bistro, this is where we got our sugar back from a refreshing drink.

After all this happened it can make you quite aware of what can actually happen while you are on the bike and just teaches us to expect the unexpected.