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RE: Saints and Hoppy Christmas Beers!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Seems Brewdog might better stay off the xmas theme. Here I'm going for a southern Nederish one. The Gulpener Wintervrund (Winterfriend). It has juniper and liquorice in it and is a fine 8.5%. Good for warming up coming from the cold winter weather outside.

Cheers mate, have a great weekend!



Hey, this is made a few villages away and I never had it.

Seems like a plan is born.....


Gulpen is a nice Limburgian village to visit. Especially their brewery. :-) Their beers are brewn using spring water. Many different choices. One of my favorites is Dort, a Dortmunder variation.

Have a good time in Limburg, cheers!

I agree, they should lay off them or learn how to brew one! hehe.

That looks a fine thing mate, I like the sound of licorice and juniper! Cor, it has set my yyastebuds to tingling. Have a cracker yourself!


This one makes them tastebuds tingle all the way mate, hahaha.

Brewdog should ask you as a pro-taster, it's a dirty job, but someone 's got do it.


I think I could handle it, someone has to as you say! :O)

I shall apply forthwith!