Truth; A Reproach!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I see the unjust killings. I see the unfair trials. I watch helplessly as lies and injustices prevail. I see con men taking the front row. I wish to voice it out. I want the whole world to know what is happening. My heart is pained as I keep quiet and watch. Friends and family would not allow me to talk. They fear for my life and possibly, withdrawal of benefits. I fear too

This is a dilemma. I fear the consequences of speaking. My heart hunts me for not speaking. 

Oh, my poor little soul, who would free you! 

Some people are comfortable with lies. Some enjoy it because of the benefits  that come with it. Some people abhor lies, but they are scared of the vulnerabilities that come with saying the truth. Some dare to say it and are willing to give up their lives for it. 

Truth is now a monster to all who have it embedded in them. Either they speak  it or not, it hunts them. When you say it, it makes you vulnerable to hostility or withdrawal of benefits. When you don't say it, your conscience hunts you day and night. 

When truth becomes a monster you have to stay away from. It hurts. 

When you know the truth, you want to say it, but you can't because you are scared. It hurts.

When you want to say the truth, but friends and relatives are all begging you to suspend it because they love you. It hurts. 

The ambassadors of truth are constantly being attacked, humiliated or frustrated by the emperors of lies. 

Truth! O Truth! A rare virtue that is supposed to be revered is now a reproach. 

I am only pouring out the sorrows in my heart through writing. Yes, I vent through writing when the heart can no longer contain it. 

Much love from me to y'all.  

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My dear @ogoowinner it's so sad but that's the kind of world we live in today. All I can say is God help us.
I believe that good will always overcome evil.
Thanks for sharing

So truth, opps i said truth...
It has become a common trend now ,lies all over the place ,God must be thinking what direction have people been going through....
Guess we need a reset button...
I remember my friend ,they were stuck in some problem so when they were told to speak what happened ,all others spoke lies and he was the only one holding the stick of truth but what happened was he was punished as he only came out black goats....this is what has been happening......

yeah, you are right, the injustice is everywhere, its obvious in the Nigerian senate, if not for any other scenario, at least the one of Dino Melaye comes to mind. They really want to pull the man down because of the speech he made in the Senate criticising the Nigerian President, with regards to the killings going on in Benue state. Only God can help us all.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke.

I guess we should all speak out against injustice. By keeping mum we may be a recipient of the injustice in a not so distant future. As Martin Niemöller said in one of his lectures

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

We really do not want that to be us.


Hmmn what more can I say you nailed it, truth an angel turned monster in our time. lies have be glorified and given the elitist position, in our society. Oh, what a moral injustice.

Such is life. It is unfair and cruel. Wars are waged and murders of innocent people are committed. Men are being killed, and someone is making money on it. It's hard and terrible to live in this cruel world, scary for your children. Telling the truth it means making enemies. be silent or live on and do not pay attention to everything that is happening. It's hard. Tolerance to all of us and good luck !!!

@ogoowinner it's despondent that lies over shadows truth in this our present time. But to me I still go with the saying, "hurt me with the truth than console me with lies." No matter what....
Keep writing, it's one of the best way to ease our self when in pain.

When the world started embracing relativism and doing away with absolutes, it was only a matter of time before truth is shown the way out. I'm afraid we are in those times. Truth is going extinct. Unless revolutionaries can arise whose revolution starts with standing for truth against all odds. I will save the quote from George Orwell. Indeed in our times, telling the truth is a revolutionary act because what we see all around is the evolution of lies.

When we speak out agaainst injustice,the world will not see us as fool but rather take a step to readjust. Nice post @ogoowinner