US 'new' National Security Strategy: Terror, economy and fear

in #life7 years ago

US President Donald Trump cautioned him to put forward the phrase "fear" he frequently used in election work in the National Security Strategy document, which he renewed in his first year.

In its new strategy document, Trump, which threatens Russia and China from a military standpoint, and China's economic rival, especially the terrorist organizations in the Middle East, as a threat to the interests of the US, is a world full of threats and fears if the United States does not become more economic and military he could not protect his position.

Trump announced to the public almost a year after sitting in his chair, that the National Security Strategy, which has been prepared since 1986 and presented once by each president for the four-year term, is almost like a speech in an election campaign.

Trump, the first US president to explain the 55-page document at a press conference, cautioned that he had established the "new" strategy on the "America First" principle, which he insisted on his campaign.

Trump's strategy was based on four pillars: "Maintain the land, the American people and the American way of life," "Support the development of the United States," "Strengthen peace," and finally "Develop American influence." The White House da Trump's strategy as "primitive realism".

The fact that the concepts of security and economy are used in a way directly related to each other is the first thing that stands out in Trump's strategy. Trump also stressed the link between security and the economy, emphasizing that countries like China and Russia are in "economic aggression" against the US and that this constitutes a major problem for national security.

"We are facing rival forces like Russia and China. These forces are trying to stand against US influence, values ​​and wealth. We will try to establish very close relations with these countries and other countries, but our priority will be the interests of our own country. "

The document states that "if a nation has no borders, it will not become a nation", but it will save the interests of an economically strong US within its borders.

The first reaction to Trump's strategy of "America before" came from China and Russia. Russia described Trump's strategy as "imperialist", while in a written statement made by China's Washington Embassy warning that "you will be alone if you put your interests in the foreground instead of common interests."

Trump's Middle East strategy: "Terrorism danger"

In Trump's strategy plan, besides the emphasis on economy, the other issue that stands out is the "danger of terrorism". Like all National Security Strategies prepared after the September 11 attacks in the United States, this description, which has been repeatedly emphasized on Trump's road map, has been used 58 times in 55-page documentaries.

The documentary, "The United States faces a dangerous world at an incredible rate," has been assessed as "the rise of radical groups" and the "terrorists' control of a large part of the Middle East at a remarkable rate".

The documentary, pointing out that this danger is not just confined to the Middle East, has been warned that US borders are "in danger".

It is noted that the financial resources and ideologies of these groups should be concluded by mentioning that the US is trying to repel the "regional leaders", especially the terrorist and "extremist" groups, which emphasize the renewal of friendship in the Middle East after the 2016 presidential elections.

Belgede is targeting Iran and North Korea with the emphasis on "rogue states", which Trump often uses in election campaigns and press releases. Before Trump took over his presidential seat, Trump's initiative, "These serious threats persisted but a new page was opened against these threats," said the documentary that these rogue states are nuclear-threatening to the United States and that they support terrorist groups financially and militaryly. accent was done.

The strategy plan included the Palestinian-Israeli issue as well. Despite the warnings made by the United States, the issue of Jerusalem, which the Jewish loyalists and evangelical groups in the country are pursuing, is ignored, and the US claims to work between Palestine and Israel for "a permanent and broad peace agreement that takes into account the interests of the two countries." Pointed out that Israel is not "a source of problems in the region", the documentary states that the cause of the problems is terrorist groups.

Warns NATO countries

Trump's statement on the election campaign, "NATO countries should take more responsibility," was also included in the strategy plan. The documentary emphasizes that the US fulfills its defense responsibilities but that other countries are not "at the required level", the statement said, "NATO alliance will be stronger and member states will take greater responsibilities and protect common interests".

It was argued that the European allies should increase their defense spending from 2024 onwards.

As a Trump discourse, "danger outside"

Numerous analysts in the US argue that the rumor that Trump has brought to power, especially in elections, is fear.

During the election, Trump gave the message that Muslims, who were often trying to invade the country from the southern borders of "rapist Mexicans" to their constituents, were always trying to infiltrate into the United States, and that North Korea could press the nuclear missile button anytime. Trump also appears in the new strategy plan for the horror jargon he uses in the election.

The fact that Trump has warned him repeatedly in the sections on the Middle East warned him about the real problems of the United States. In the United States alone, where the number of drug-decedent deaths has exceeded 50 in 2016, there was no National Security Strategy in place for a daily armed attack.