The difference between a man's and woman's anger...

in #life6 years ago

Men's nature tends to be hot.
This is why they express their anger or displeasure through shouting and beating.

Women are however bashful, there is a certain coolness in their nature,
This is why they do not tend to display their anger or displeasure.
Their anger however is not any less than that of men,
Rather it is more.
They get angry on occasions on which men do not get angry, Because their faculty of reasoning is deficient.
So there are more instances when women get angry.
Another point is that their anger tends to be long lasting.
Those who give vent to their frustration through shouting and beating cool down quickly,
Whereas women's anger - you can call it
'SWEET ANGER' if you like, keeps accumulating within their hearts, which sooner or later turns into malice.

So one evil is anger, the other evil is malice.

Hence women's anger comprises two evils:
Anger and Malice.

If one does not give vent to one's anger, then it remains like a burden on one's heart which gives rise to many,
Many un-pleasantries.
Malice is not just a sin, it is the root of many other sins.
Malice comes from sweet anger, and sweet anger is more commonly found in women.
Hence women's anger leads to thousands of since.
This is not the cast with men's anger.
Men's anger is of hot, violent nature, while women's anger is sweet...



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