mr. Drafo Kwasi Adjala-hernia patient
Just recently whilst on holidays in my village, I met Mr. Drafo who has been suffering from hernia for years and never seems to get support to help cure this illness.
My elder brother-left; Mr. Drafo-middle; myself-right
Mr. Drafo's story is really sad. He has spent all he has on medication and people including his own families scammed him off his money until he cant even feed himself or buy pain killers to reduce the pain he's going through. According to him, he's only wish is death because of the suffering he's going through.
Personally, I have never seen hernia as big as this one. I wish I had the money to help this man but I'm also struggling. I contacted Vodafone Health, a telecommunication network company here in Ghana, who has in recent time contributed in curing people suffering from different kind of illness especially the ones that needs surgery but I'v not heard from them for more than a month now.
I hope and pray that Vodafone health or any other individual will come to the aid of this helpless man and restore his health condition to a healthy one.
sorry to hear that inspite of it is simple operation
hope he get a proper health care soon