How your Sexuality affects your Fertility

in #life6 years ago

Sexually health is the ability to embrace and enjoy your sexuality. It is an important part of your physical and emotional health. Sexual health and fertility are intertwined, they go hand in hand because without a healthy sexual life, your fertility is affected.
The act of sex itself is a healthy bodily function that has been proven to lessen stress, enhance good sleeping habits and enhance overall happiness because our body thrive on the chemicals released during orgasm, so a healthy sex life is part of a healthy body.

The phrase 'sexual and reproductive health' loosely means to have access to educational information relating to prevention and protection of one's self from contact sexually transmitted diseases.
Sexually transmitted disease can affect one health in a great deal but people don't know its the most fragile part of the body. They prefer to worry about catching a cold than monitoring their sexual health. Even if you are not ready to start a family, you should still care about your sexual organs because eventually, you will need them to start a family. Most sexually transmitted diseases are asymptomatic; you wouldn't even know you have them until it's almost too late.

 When it comes to sex, it must be safe. This is 21st century guys, some people still don't practice safe sex! You need to take cognisance of who you share your body with, even if you are not married you should still to be faithful to your sexual partner and conduct necessary tests if you don't like condoms to know how healthy you both are! STDs ain't joke, it could change your life forever. 

The two most important ones that affect reproductive health are Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.
• Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that affects both males and females. In males, it is not usually quickly detected until later when the penile opening begins to bring out smelly, yellowish discharge and then urination becomes a tug of war. While in females, the entire reproductive organ is affected and is easily detected in women. The vagina begins to release smelly discharges, it becomes itchy at times a little swollen and it makes urination painful.
• Chlamydia is one of the most common bacterial disease transmitted sexually. It affects the entire urinary tract, anus and eyes. This is caused by having unprotected sexual intercourse and also caused by having many sexual partners. In females both Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia can cause total blockage of the fallopian tubes if left unattended. Untreated STDs can become Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) in the long run (which you do not want to know about). PID is far worse than Gonorrhea and Chlamydia combined! It causes ectopic pregnancy and infertility, it also affects the overall sexually health.

In conclusion, thrive to always be safe and visit your doctor from time to time (if you are not the faithful type or if you are not in an exclusive relationship), endeavour to be alert, explore your sexuality, stay safe, sane and be happy...always!

Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor!! And is not responsible for your libido. 😂 (I don't even know if my picture goes with the article but I guess I'm sexy 😍, may change it tho) IMG_20180426_132529_244.jpg

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