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RE: Musings on Old Age and Death

in #life7 years ago

Very touching post @onceuponatime, reminds me of the words of wise King Solomon when he wrote:
"Surely the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath ; humans have no advantage over animals. Everything is meaningless."

No matter where we come from or what our social status is, we all face death, the greatest enemy of mankind. In the end, we are no better off than animals.

But I like the way you ended the post, sharing a creation of your mother with us. A nice reminder that those we've lost live on in what they've contributed to the world and the memories they've given us.

Thanks for the heartwarming post.

Steem long and prosper;)


I also enjoy the perspective of Carlos Casteneda too. In his paradigm he likens Death to your greatest teacher and ally in choosing what is important to you in your life.

If one can keep one's own death constantly in conscious awareness (an almost impossible task!), then a person can make wiser choices as to what is important and what actions to undertake and which aren't worth your (very limited) time.

Very true, we have to be prudent about how we spend our time. Simultaneously not letting that healthy fear become "unhealthy" by taking over our minds, something I've struggled with in the past. We have to just embrace our fate and perhaps if we are inclined to do so, seek spiritual comfort.
Once again, thanks for the eye-opening post.