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RE: Fabricated Perception: Living An Illusion

in #life7 years ago

The only difference was that in this one, isolated incident, I took notice and was able to discern the inaccuracies.

Hey @douglasbalmain, I really enjoyed reading your post and have to agree that; when noticed, the world can seem quite different at times. Or is it always different and we put it back in it's expected place? Who knows...the only real constant seems to be change.

All the best to you,


Who knows...the only real constant seems to be change.

Find me the greatest thinker in the world; once you boil their words down, that's as far as they will have gotten...the rest is just ponderings and unsupported theory.

Be that as it may, continuing to ponder and theorize seems a better option than denouncing the natural motivations of the conscious mind.