Lets Aim!!!!

in #life7 years ago

First of all, a big Hello to anyone reading this article. well, this is neither a piece of art nor any great literature; but a 'common student's feelings of the heart.

Anyone I meet these days, inquiries about my "Aim in Life". Not blaming anybody, that's what you're bound to be asked if you're doing graduation or you're in class XII. But tell you, that i don't have a "Long - Term Aim". Sounds creepy????
Well, "Long - Term Aim" is the word i use to describe those "goals" of becoming an engineer, doctor and all the other much wanted professions.

Actually, I believe we shouldn't think too far into future. May be we shoulf just focus on the present and concentrate on our graduation or class XII basics.
Well, I may be fully wrong in saying this, maybe i am; but "Past is History and Future is Mystery"
is also not incorrect.

Basically what I feel is that sometimes that extra burden of trying to achieve your goal, might actually backfire on you in the worst possible manner. Friends, I'm not asking you to "Descant off" your dreams just after reading this article, but, maybe we keep out basics right and simply focus on our present studies; the future will take care of itself.

Anyway, talking so much about the present, I presently remember prolonging the discussion might actually act as a lullaby for you; so better say goodbye and learn to live and work only for the present.

And also if you enjoyed reading, then


Hey @prabalkalita
Great post and great content.
You know, I'm too facing this problem.
Great work👍

Thanks bro.🔥