cute kids at work and A clock every motor-cycle lover should have!!
Kids can be amazing and funny in there own way ! I went to shopping at a mall near by my place and could not stop myself from taking a picture of this cool kid carrying his mothers basket for her , he already looks so grown up !
Next up is a photograph i took from the bottles section could not help my self there the message "Get sleep ,Eat healthy,Drink water ,Exercise ,Repeat" perfect life mantra !
Next up is a plant for every occasion and every table .I am going to gift this to everyone n their birthday
Most cool table watch that I ever came across and it was only for "Rs. 1000 thats like 16 US dollars"
And in the End another kid sleeping at the most weird place ever and still look how serene and innocent he looks
Oops did i mention the end up in there ?? how can i let you guys leave without a picture of me ??
I am a mirror of society with reflection of a argument, between myself and the intellect I will posses ....I am wind . I am water. I am a door to the sky, I am limitless ,I smile and I am my own shoulder to cry on and I will do anything for LOVE and most important of all I am" here "!!
I am "here" on steemit
All of the photos were taken on my OnePlus 5
Dont forget to comment upvote resteem and follow @pree 
make my journey amazing
loved the photos specially the first kid !! he reminded me of calvin from "calvin and hobbes" !! keep them coming