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RE: The Rustic and Famous Timberline Lodge at Mt. Hood

in #life7 years ago

What an amazing place this is....i totally fell in love with it just by seeing your pictures (only missed a picture from Bruno and Heidi ;) ) . Even the table tennis is made from nice great! I love places with wood and craftsmanship.
I'm looking forward to your story about your cabin in the woods :)


@psionic-tremors Thank you so much! I'm so glad you could get the "feel" of the place through my photos. Yes! I was wishing that too for this post! Unfortunately, they had already left for the night to go home with the manager but I will be visiting there very soon and will make sure to get those photos. I'll have to share them with you! :) All the wood and iron are aesthetically appealing! I have a few posts I'm working on, but the cabin in the woods will be coming soon! I'm so glad you enjoyed this.

Oh great you are going there again. I'm looking forward then to see Bruno and Heidi :)