6-16 iyulya. Kratkiy prognoz : 6-7 iyulya dni stikhii zemlisteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

VNIMANIYe , AKTSIYA! Kto Dumayet i ne reshayetsya na platnuyu konsul'tatsiyu, mozhno poluchit' probnuyu

BEZOPLATNUYU KONSUL'TATSIYU po odnomu voprosu! Vtselom, v kakikh napravleniyakh mozhno nachat' prorabotku i aktivatsiyu vashikh programm , smotrite nizhe.

PREDNAZNACHENIYe I TALANTY: - Talanty pri rozhdenii, professiya, predraspolozhennosti, resursy. Aktivatsiya, prorabotka, detalizatsiya programm. -Missiya: prioritetnyye zadachi, vypolneniye kotorykh dayot energiyu i dushevnyy komfort - Dukhovnoye prednaznacheniye, angely khraniteli, svyaz' s nebom, chto zhdot ot nas Vselennaya? Raschet lichnogo, planetarnogo, dukhovnogo, sotsial'nogo prednaznacheniy. -Raschet sootnosheniya stikhiy, rekomendatsii po garmonizatsii stikhiy, podbor garmoniziruyushchego mesta zhitel'stva. Lunnyye uzly(sil'nyye i slabyye storony, idushchiye iz proshloy zhizni, tsel', kotoruyu neobkhodimo dostich' v etoy zhizni).

-Raschet tranzitov planet (sud'bonosnyye periody).
-Raschet sud'bonosnykh godov -Semiletniye, devyatiletniye, dvenadtsatiletniye,pyatiletniye i dr. tsikly
-Raschet Karty sud'by, zhiznennykh etapov
-Prognoz na budushcheye(mesyats,god,zhizn')


  • Raschet professii
  • Chto delat',chtoby usilit' denezhnyy kanal, pritok finansov v zhizn'? Na chto sfokusirovat' vnimaniye? Optimal'nyy put' prevrashcheniya talantov v den'gi.

Konkretnoye prizemlennoye vremya, vazhnr produmyvat' finansovyye voprosy v eti dni . 8 iyulya utrom ostanavlivayetsya Merkuriy!!! Mozg budet ochen' tupit'. Vysokaya veroyatnost', chto vse budet ne tak idti kak zaplanirovano ! Vazhno byt' gibche i imet' zapasnyye puti .

1 - iyulya agressiya sil'naya mozhet byt' u lyudey, bud'te akkuratneye!

2 - iyunya vtselom ochen' plany mogut menyat'sya, vse poperek mozhet idti. Lyudi budut ochen' zatormozhennyye , mnogiye budut v sostoyanii otupleniya. Parallel'no idet Chernaya Luna. Ostorozhno s emotsiyami i vyskazyvaniyami, mozhno lyudey sil'no zatsepit' neobdumannymi postupkami! Yesli yest' problemy s emotsiyami, obrashchaytes', nauchim effektivnym praktikam:)

3 - vodnaya stikhiya. Mnogo intuitsii. Suyeta spadayet posle vozdukha, rasslableniye!

4 - iyulya ochen' pozitivnyye dni!

5 - do utra 11 iyulya samoye sumasshedsheye vremya!!! Vazhno ne delat' spontanno, budet mnogo provokatsiy, vse zapisyvayte! Bud'te osoznannym. Vozdukh pereyezdy dayot, suyetu i dvizhukhu.

6 - vozdushnyye dni. Bystro nado delat', vazhno vse zapisyvat', mozhno upustit' chto to vazhnoye . Rekomenduyu nachat' vesti dnevnik Uspekha-luchsheye sredstvo dlya zapuska energetiki!(kak yego vesti,pishite v lichku,skinem metodichku).

7 - iyulya ochen' ne prostyye slozhnyye dni.


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Serial downvotes, no content, spam account.

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Thanks for the flag, dullard!

Chinga tu perra madre pendejo, aviso 1

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Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings!

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