FECAL IMPACTION: When You Can’t POO And Don’t Know What To Do!

in #life7 years ago

FECAL IMPACTION is a condition you might never have heard about before, let alone know what’s included---which is understandable with these long medical terms used by doctors, but, once its explained it’ll become clearer and have you likely say, if it was told to you in simpler terms you’d have known exactly what fecal impaction was.

Fecal impaction--- Bulk of hard stool lodged in the rectum!

Note: CONSTIPATION... is when a person struggles to pass a stool, that is if it comes at all. Constipation is known for causing discomfort for those who has the need to empty their bowels, but yet can't due to blockage (stool in the back passage).

Fecal impaction can occur because of constipation and laxatives taken for some time. An immediate stop to taking laxatives, intestine muscles are affected unsettling their routine (stools have no help with movement).

Risks of constipation and fecal impaction:

Sat for long periods of time or bedridden
Damaged nerve muscles close to the intestines
Interaction of muscle and bowel nerves harmed through anticholinergics
Specific diarrhoea treatments can reverse the situation causing constipation. Codeine—methadone (narcotics)

Many conditions and disease have similar symptoms, so it’s best a doctor determines the problem.

Making an assumption on what you believe you’re suffering is risky, especially if you get it wrong with treatments where now a doctor can’t help.


Stomach cramps
Rectum leaks
Bursts of watery diarrhoea
Rectum bleeding
Small semi-formed stools
Loss of bladder control due to pressure
Lower back pain
Heartbeat ups a notch or possible dizziness from straining

Fecal impaction is commonly treated with an enema which includes a fluid sprayed inside the rectum to hopefully soften the stool. It should be easier to pass stools after an enema, however, if the anticipated outcome doesn’t happen the stool will be broken up manually and taken away using the hand.

PREVENTION... Below are ways considered that’ll help to do this.

  • Stool softeners. These make passing stools easier. The fear of using the loo and the discomfort will go if the softeners are effective making your experience in the bathroom a much more pleasant one.

  • Move as much as possible. Light exercise or a daily walk significantly helps.

  • Drink plenty of water to encourage the bowel to act regularly.

  • High-fibre foods influence bowel movement.

Fecal impaction isn’t a pleasant condition, but neither is any condition, especially if it warrants a doctor’s involvement.

Put a stop to those endless hours of sitting on the toilet to do your business and getting nowhere by making it your business to see a doctor.

Take Care


Thank you for reading.


If you have suffered this and want to share your story-- please do as what you have to say may help others. Stay safe and well @racykacy

Lucky me, yet no problems with this at all. Let's hope it will not change😁
But I like to chare a wisdom with you and all who are interested in it, I got told by a very smart colleguege at work. If you have problems doing your business on toilet, do a goofy face and everything will be fine.
Don't believe me? Well look at the nature around you (Dogs, Cats, Apes etc) and see theyr faces😝

Thanks for dropping by @paetian I will keep this mind. Hope I never to have start looking like a monkey on my next visit to the loo.. yay stay safe @racykacy