in #life6 years ago (edited)

You see you are always looking for something outside of you to satisfy you. It could be a person (friend, boyfriend ) situation ( vacation ) or thing (cars, clothes ) and lists never end. But you need to ask yourself why is it that something outside of you may satisfy you? The answer might be as simple as it 'll make me feel good which is completely fine because our purpose to live is peace and happiness. But these situations, places, and people are temporary highs that will provide us with experiences if we really want these. But there is not a thing outside of you that will give your permanent happiness these situations that you create in your mind may look beautiful and happy but ask yourself will they come into existence if you put in no work to get these things in existence answer is definitely no.Thinking positively will definitely help you focus your creativity and work towards it but all the time thinking about it will not help you. You need to direct your energy towards creating rather than thinking as you are loosing on time which ll not come back. But you need to enjoy the work you do in order to create your life experiences because you see there is no end to our wishes and what we do is work unwillingly towards something and experience worst life to get an excellent moments in our lives but this will only give you temporary happiness and temporary highs to life. You 'll never experience a good constantly happy life because you are so caught up, in the end result and you stop to enjoy the happiness and joys between your temporary highs. You need to enjoy those in-betweens . Something that will provide you with constant happiness while doing. It's called passion. Your passion is not one thing that will never change throughout your life it is something that does not look like a burden to you. It could any freaking thing and it ll indeed change with time if you acquire new better feeling skills and abilities. Don't look for happiness you 'll never find it. It's always there and already there you just need to recognize it for what it is. evan-kirby-101570-unsplash.jpg