Social Media: The Religoin of the 21st Century

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Religion is a total way of life. There is no society that has no religion hence, there is Indian religion, African religion to mention but few. Religion is a way of life of the people because it has a culture that demystifies their worldview.


The religion of 21st century is a way of life of the people of 21st century. It is a religion that has the highest number of followers. Unlike other religions of the world that one has his own choice to follow, it is a religion that cut across all sphere regardless of age, status, class, race or gender. In this religion, there is nothing called discrimination.

Also, it is a religion that accommodates members of other religion to participate without a given condition of denouncing your previous faith. This religion influences peoples' worldview to a large extent and it has a propensity of ruling the whole universe.

As a religion, people getting involved in it because it is all-fascinating, all-interesting and all-embracing. It is all-embracing due to the fact that it brings people together as a result, it gains more followers every day.

The followers of this religion are not tired of the act of worship during the day and the night, a second would not pass by unless members involved in one activity or the other. The reason behind this engrossing is that the religious services are interesting and informative.

Despite, the religion has no team of driver or missionary nor does it has a holy writ to follow though, it has a creed which is known as 'humanity', people outside of this religion feel living a worthless life or a living dead.

Can you suggest the name of this religion

According to Emile Durkheim in his definition of religion, he said, "Religion is a social fact, social institution, and thingification." He said religion is the power of the society and anything that has the power of bringing people together is called religion.

In the light of the above, since anything that has the power of bringing people together is religion. Therefore, Social media is the religion of the 21st century because it is a culture, a way of life and it has the strong power of bringing people together as a social solidarity and harmonious living.

Social media is a religion that accommodates people of all background, creed, ideologies, religions, races, status, class, ethnicity and gender without discrimination whatsoever.
It promotes humanity in all ramification. Let us all channel our thinking to how and in what way can we promote the universe through this religion, this is my own contribution, how about yours?
Thanks for sparing your precious time reading my blog. More success.

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I agree! It's also simply amazing how quickly the masses have become dependent and radical upon this new religion. One thing to note, is that this religion is comprised of both good and bad sects. One sect offers the world, but bleeds you of your privacy and rights...while the other offers you opportunity, is transparent, modifiable, and sharable. The bad is proprietary software(facebook, google, and the likes) while the good is what's known as "Foss"(Free and Open Source Software). I implore you to delve deeper and make this new religion work for you instead of against you.

Thanks for your creative insight!

Thoughtful reply that shed more light to my reasoning. You open my sight to angles that I never think before. You made mention of bad sects that hide under the umbrella of this religion. Not only that, you also talk about the good one that characterized by opportunity, transparency among other.
This assertion establishes the fact that just like the way people use the name of religion to carry out dreadful acts exactly this religion of 21st century is being used for dreadful purpose and the vice versa. Thanks for your sound and meaningful comment.

No problem; it was a pleasure to read.