Basic Bitch vs Alt Freak

in #life6 years ago

These are your two choices.

The Basic Bitch is boring as fuck and wants to take pictures of her rubber face and watch mindnumbing series on Netflix.

She will go out with her stupid friends that are dumber than her and she likes to have a family. The basic bitch fucks like one.

But she's a good girl. She wants a regular life. She wants to worship her boyfriend and be affable.


The Alt Freak

Oh boy...

She dyes her hair pink, has piercings, tattoos and daddy issues.

She's crazy AF. Usually a feminist (YIKES), but super submissive and easily manipulated (the irony huh?).

She likes dick. A LOT. And she likes the dick she hates. And she will fuck your brains out.

Unlike Basic Bitch, she wants you to slap her, choke her, spit her and what not. She will purposely hurt you (mentally and physically) so you hit her back.

They say don't put your dick in crazy, but there's a reason people have to be reminded of that: Crazy means great sex.

The Alt Freak isn't a serious person by no means. You won't find a genius hidden under the "I-can-suck-your-dick-and-your-soul-at-the-same-time"-face. She's not nice either. She's crazy.

What do you prefer?

Shit, I personally don't know. Basic Bitch is insufferable at times. Simpleton.

Alt-Freak is a slut, so there's that.

Is there something in between? Yeah. Something even worse and something close to perfection.

But I will get to that the next time. They're after me.



Well, there is something else, but...

Just like we have this left --- right paradigm in politics
we have this hot/crazy graph on femdom.

But the left---right paradigm is false.
The left are "feeling", so how far to the right do you stop feeling?
Why does the right send more money to charities, if they feel less?
The right are "thinkers", but how far left do you go before they stop thinking? All of the left "thinks" that they are fighting for a good cause.

So, we have woman on this spectrum that is bad and worse.
However, there are good sides of women.

Feminism (which is supposed to be for women) makes sure never to bring up the good aspects of women. They can't be victims if they are strong in some way. They can't be oppressed if it is ever leaked that unmarried women have decided all major political races.

This leaves women to never know their power. To never take responsibility for their actions. To never grow, to never mature.

So, it ends up with women who are all, basically crawling around on the ground. Imagine the crazy/hot graph, and imagine adding a z-axis. Up, out of the filth. There are very few women who even know there is an up, and fewer who have moved up.

Basic Bitch is super boring, but luckily there are different flavors of alt freaks, not all are submissive 😃

Haven't met one who's not submissive under the faux-masculine style.

Completely off topic.
You know about selling things way more than I do. I want to sell this:
Do you think that you can sell this at a reasonable(at very least original) prices?
My gallery would take a percentage from the sales. If you would do a better job creating sales I would be willing to pay that money to you instead. I would not be covering any expences you might have while doing this. I offer only a agreed percentage from the sales. Would you be interested?

There's a lot to go into this (both time and money) and I am not sure if it worths my time. If I see an opportunity, I will contact you though.