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RE: 240 followers! ...and I'm NOT quitting my job.

in #life8 years ago

Hey @kabbam, i love your post, your gift of art and you. You remind me so much of myself. I am at the doodling stage of art mainly word art but I dream of creating masterpieces, yet most of my time these days is spent on my greatest gifts as a storyteller and poet. I share this here because I just saw your art work from months ago. That has cycled out . As a curator of art you will hear from me again very soon you are on my list for curation.


That's funny, how complimentary! I'm still looking for words, don't feel quite at home with them. Trying to keep it short and sweet and not smother the artwork too much. I appreciate you compliments! I think we're both looking for a new way to look at the world.