Back At My Sharehouse

in #life7 years ago

First Things First

Arrived back at my sharehouse, it is bloody cold and there's a bit of rain, have a bit of washing to do as well, lucky it cleared up over the weekend. First thing was to get my car started, lucky we have some jumper leads, borrowed a car and left mine running to charge the battery. The picture to the right is our front porch, I hang out there when the weather is good, the street is pretty quiet, it is good to have a coffee or a beer, to contemplate wtf I'm doing here.

the porch

I have been experimenting with growing some plants here and there, just for fun. So while looking around the place I was surprised to see the coriander plant we had has started to grow, which I thought was well and truly dead. Hopefully it does well, it is a little bit hard to look after that stuff when you're away and no point asking the other tenants.


Chilli Plant

Unfortunately my chilli plant is not likely to survive, but there is a little bit of green under the bark so we will see. Fresh chilli is expensive here for some reason and the plant cost me less than a bag of chillies and provided what I needed (and some, I put chilli on everything) for the whole semester. Perhaps one of you gardeners out there can let me know how to revive it, or whether I need to just start again. While doing the washing, I stuck my head in the bathroom (those of you who have ever shared a place will know) and it was a total mess, there was mould on the walls and ceiling, the shower was a mess and the kitchen hadn't been touched. So I had to gather the troops together to come up with a plan. I hate things like rosters and the like, so from time to time I get everybody together to clean as required and we split up the jobs amicably. We are all at uni, therefore uni comes first, cleaning second.

The Cleaning


I opted to do the bathroom, as I needed to use it, and the others will clean the kitchen and cooking areas. The mould wasn't really that difficult to remove and the remover I used actually did most of it (I was surprised), I sprayed the stuff around and came back later it was gone. I still wiped everything down though, there is probably no reason for it to get that bad, apart from nobody doing jack while we were away. I live with six others, three of which went away on the break.


So I think I got out of cleaning duties lightly, the kitchen is a bit tougher to clean, but I have done my part of the bargin as agreed.

I'm pretty easy going with the house mates and they seem that way too, so we all get along ok and everyone pitches in to help out when things start to get out of hand. As I said before we are here to get our respective studies done, we don't get any points for cleanliness, having said that though, we are not too bad. For example, nobody needs to be asked to take the bin out if one of us sees it, or whoever is home at the time, it gets done.

I'm sure you guys will have some stories to tell if you ever shared while at uni or just sharing in general, are you a cleaning authoritarian or do lean towards an easy going, each individual responsible for them selves approach?

My Current Quotes

I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.
Thomas Sowell

I chose this quote as I like Thomas Sowell and I have been thinking lately on the fairness of how the proceeds of our labour are spent, he also said

Helping those who have been struck by unforeseeable misfortunes is fundamentally different from making dependency a way of life.
Thomas Sowell

Thanks for stopping by and having a read


Great quotes

Nice post, I'm following u

I wait for your next post @rezantroy

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