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RE: Finding My Place in the World

in #life5 years ago

Pennsif, you know...I'm not sure right now. I loved Eastbourne and figured that's where I'd settle if I decided to live outside the U.S. But then I came here and discovered volunteer work I can do even with my current health issues--these animals don't need a shelter or rescue. They just need public caretakers and veterinary care. Within a week, without even looking for him, I'd found the veterinarian who's doing the TNR spays and established a very good rapport. He then put me in touch with Anne Heslop, and from there things are taking on a life of their own. So I don't know. At the very least, I will be returning on a very frequent basis. Sometimes you just can't fight fate.


Looking forward to hearing more about your life in Morocco.

I am sure the weather there is much better than it is in the UK at present.

Pennsif, I'm not sure what the weather is doing there in England but I can only imagine. What I can tell you is that it's as close to perfect here on the Atlantic coast of North Africa as a human could possibly hope for.

Stormy, stormy here in the UK at the moment. Plenty of wind and plenty of water where we are.

Sounds rather more pleasant over your way.