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RE: The Suppression Paradox - why banning hatred/racist speech doesn't work and may make things worse

in #life8 years ago

Well done! There was a time in America when Italians were discriminated against (particularly Sicilians because we tend to be darker). I don't really remember my dad, I only saw him a couple of times, but he was really dark and remember walking with him and having people shout the "N" word from passing cars. He ignored it. I've learned that the free marketplace of ideas is the best remedy for racism and other social woes. Speech codes don't help. I had a girl who wanted to date me but wasn't allowed because I was "a dirty Italian" These things Italians are viewed like anyone else (I think lol)


Thanks for sharing your experience. Yes prejudice can be a bit weird. I remember they did an experiment on a TV show once where they actually managed to induce prejudice against people of a certain eye colour in a matter of minutes - not sure of the ethics of that experiment but it is scary. BTW my sister in law is Italian. I love Italian culture:)

My dad, who is Jewish, gets dark very easily in the sun. He told me that while taking a train trip across American in the 50s, he was stopped and questioned by the Border a possible Mexican, LOL

I (Half-redneck, half-Jew) used to do an access show about the dangers of illegal immigration, and one of the callers cussed me out in spanish for being a race traitor , LOL

Humans are stupid about race.

I'm a Sicilian redneck...My name is Quitliano (my mom was a Giacoppo) I live in Arkansas. My experience with my dad was in Boston (my original home) was in the 50's. I had a Mexican guy in Denver come up and start speaking Spanish (I don't know any) When I didn't respond in kind, he wanted to fight!

One of the beautiful things about the American experiment is that we have been so mixed in reality. Although racism via identity politics has been a propaganda vehicle for the Left, those of us that have more experience of America than the "approved" college texts have found a pace where a man can succeed regardless of color. It is disgusting that this becomes harder for a black man who is born in the democratic welfare-voting plantations.

Sorry commenting here due to the nesting issue. I know Trump is not a good guy but I don't think he is the pure evil that people would have us believe either. Ultimately we should judge him on his actions. I don't buy into these people who are panicking over his win or over Brexit for that matter. I totally agree if he does improve economic circumstances for everyone I suspect the racism issue will disappear (I'm not convinced he is racist anyway ).

I don't think Trump is racist; I do know that he was misquoted, and that remarks directed at subgroup of immigrants were framed as targeted towards brown people as a whole.

There are two good posts here; what Trumps' policy is vs. what it has been narrated to be; and the validity of those policies in themselves.

Hope I'm not lazy tomorrow, as I might take a shot at those.

Sad but true...they're demonized for trying. Thomas Sowell (one of my heroes) has written eloquently about it. There's a quote by LBJ: "I'll have those Niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years." I think that many people of color are beginning to see through the facade, but so many just don't seem to care.

I knew Trump was going to win when some of the internal of th polls had Trump pulling 20% of the black vote. If the democong cant pull 85% of the black vote in addition to high turnout, theyre hosed.

IF Trump stays true to his campaign promises, the black community will start to prosper, and many more will start questioning the democong subversion of their communities.

[Edit: this also relates to remarks made by @cryptofiend; some of the most vicious attacks against blacks that criticize the welfare-voting plantations are from white liberals and are fully racist in nature]

I think many non- white people must have voted for Trump. I think people in general are waking up and standing up to the establishment control.

I think sometimes being politically correct is actually a shield for latent racism.

The second most racist group I have encountered has been upper middle class white American liberals. in terms of specific racism, the worst behavior spikes come from the women of that group talking to minority women in the working class.

MAYBE that's an upper-class to lower-class female dynamic. IDK.

When I was doing my immigration show, the station's resident hippie used to try to get me to admit my "hate" of Mexicans; I don't know if he really meant what he was saying or whether he was just trying to "catch" me as a racist, but the things he said were so off base from a rational perspective (of course, everything the guy said was moonbattish)...I had to keep laughing at him; I have probably spent more social time with working class Tejanos than I have with upper-class liberals, and my dating pool is primarily Latina

I think those kind of people are in every group. They put on an act of being very tolerant and getting on with everyone but they have a very skewed view of a lot of different groups. I suspect no matter what nation or culture we are in there are people like that.

that kind of goes back to @fabio 's point; some people want to control the group as a whole, and divide and conquer is indeed a tried and true tactic. so we can add in "manufactured" or "stage" racism to the actual innate racism that is tribal in nature

Hope I'm not lazy tomorrow, as I might take a shot at those.

Cool DM me the links if/when you do. I think a lot of what we see is something you could call "catastrophe theatre" - fear and alarm sell better than just being sensible.

I didn't think we could DM here. If I'm missing a button in my Ui, let me know LOL

Lol I meant the RocketChat:)

Still haven't signed up on any of the chats.

I'll post the link as a reply to the main blog here ;>

Please notice, when coming in the USA, immigrants were asked to spell their names in English, and most of them were unable to. So most of transcriptions are incorrect.
Giacoppo maybe was Giacobbo:

And Quitliano was probably Quintiliano:

You can use this website if you like to investigate more, it is quite accurate.

Thank you so very much!!! This is probably why I've never been able to find any other Quitliano's! I'm an orphan, pretty much (my mom died when I was 5) I've looked for other people that share my name and have found none. Now I have a place to start...I can't tell you how grateful I am! You have a new follower!