Why can we not just live like children?

in #life7 years ago

The main cause of depression (well for me anyway) is over thinking and wondering about what could and should happen in the future. This creates scenarios that, let’s be honest, have a 0% chance of happening most of the times.

I blame this on the way society has adapted this “always-in-a-rush” mindset. We live in an era where we cannot afford to waste time. We live in a time where sleep is considered unimportant, as work must come first.

Being human means that we adapt to change and evolve. But is evolving and adapting to change always a good thing.

Children live their lives day by day

I encourage you to look at children. Observe how they go about during the day. They live in the moment. They do not wake up every day thinking about everything that needs to be done and what tomorrow holds.

Children live in the moment. One second they might want to play with toys, the next they are running outside to play on the swing set. Children can get sad and experience negative emotions but when picturing a child you immediately think of a smiling little human being running around. Children do not constantly worry about problems.

I for one believe there is a lot that we can learn from children. They live a simpler life than we adults do but if we learn to adapt the mindset of the children or get our children to stay living in the moment then the world would seem a breeze.


Great post, I agree, we should all live like children. Don't think, just do. Well sometimes it doesn't turn out so well to just do. But it's better than depression I guess...

Like I previously mentioned, I recently discovered that thoughts become things and by just doing and trying to think positive as children do, positive things will come your way

Very good blog

Thank you very much. I appreciate the comment.

I agree! This adult life is far too serious!

Right? It is this rush and endless need for more time

It is really something that intrigues me . Thinking about how children are so happy all the time

I enjoyed this post very much. I agree with every word you say. It's sad how life has become one rat race after the other. Sometines I wish I lived in time before this.

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Children don't have the responsibilities like adults do, they aren't worrying about where the next bit of money is coming from to buy the food or clothes that they need. As parents we protect them so they can enjoy their childhood years because when they become adults it all becomes so much harder.

I know that children do not worry about stuff we Adults need to worry about, What I am talking about is we should adopt the mindset they have. I truly believe that thoughts become things and if your mind is filled with positive thoughts and emotions then positive things will come your way

Agree. We grow up just to worry and pay bills. How the system gets us to quickly forget what it is like to be a kid

Just think if we all just adopt the mindset of a child how wonderful our lives would be

Agreed. I refuse to be absorbed into the "machine"

Good to know there are people thinking the same as me

I know a lot of people who do and they're so much fun.