Do you really wish life made sense?

in #life7 years ago

Would the wind caressing your face and playing with your hair be more enjoyable?
Would the wine taste sweeter if you understood the fermentation process?
Would the ocean be as mystical if we knew all the living creatures inhabiting it?
Would the stars shine brighter if we knew what lied beyond?

Life is strange, chaotic, sad yet beautiful. It has intense moments of darkness but it makes the good times more appreciated.

Routine kills the soul, take a risk, go forth. Change it up. It might not work as you planned, but life has a funny way of surprising you.



I rather like the idea of exploring the greatest mysteries of life. It's what giving life mean, knowing what other people don't know.

life does have a funny way of surprising you, two months ago i had no idea that i would be writing blogs and make 150$ of steem in my first month.

Life's ups & downs! The rollercoaster ride of life!

Beautiful words...yet I'd really like to know about the stars and what lies beyond. I have this romantic notion there might be some beautiful worlds out there, but maybe there aren't.

I am curious as well, I don't think we'll ever know though :(

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