Love and cookies

in #life6 years ago

My wife and I love to send each other pics of fun heart shapes we see around when we are apart during the day. Lately I was out of town on business and saw a heart cookie at the restaurant I was eating at, and had to snap her this pic!



nice lovely cookie.. what's that beside it? a cake?

(@dillagr from Kryptonia)

It's a Rice Krispie Treat dipped in chocolate :D

The cookie may be special to your wife but I prefer the Rice Krispie Treat. It looks yummy!

From Kryptonia

love the shape of the cookie. looks so yummy.

from kryptonia here : @azilanaitmay825

the cake is lie! id as ma name :)

I'm sure she loved it. Great idea by the two of you. My wife and I use the "watermelon" emoji (It's a personal thing from several years back).

Nice to have the little inside things with your spouse. Can help get through boring or hard days :D

Upvoted, resteemed and cookie monstered kryptonia@bon-nom

love your art!

So sweet of you guys....kryptonia@everdope

Kryptonian same user