When Time Is More Precious Than Money

in #life6 years ago (edited)

In this life money is one of the most important thing that we need. It's number one necessity nowadays. Some people always said that money is not everything and it cannot buy you happiness. I always beg to differ. Yes money is not everything but everything need money nowadays. Everything! And of course money cannot buy you happiness, directly, but have ever tried not paying your bills for a few month and feel happy about it? I bet you won't when those collectors started to chase you and penalized you. I don't think we can pay bills with hugs and kisses, even if it does, it's probably a different kind of bills... LOL!

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Anyway, I'm not going to write anything about that, this will be about something else. Even though money seems to be our number one necessity nowadays, there's something else that is more important than that. Time! You need time to get or earn money, if the time is not enough, you will not get any or enough money. The worst part is, you cannot buy time or buy back the time that has passed. If you have to work 8 hours a day to get $100 then you have to work 8 hours a day, not less. If you work just 6 hours, you might get your salary cut!

In a lot of ways, we are the slaves of time. We chase time everyday and hoping for it to wait for us but it never listen. It will just keep on going without us have the voice to ask it to stop for a while or just asking it to slow down a bit. Time doesn't care about us but we do or have to care about it no matter what. Without time, we are nothing...

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One minute of our 24 hours a day is so precious that if you're given a choice to live another extra 24 hours of your life after you die or the biggest diamond in the world, you probably won't even think of choosing that diamond. Then you will wish that 24 hours doesn't passed, you will wish that time stopped and you just stay in that moment forever but... that can only happen in fantasy fairy tale.

For those who earn their salary based on the time they worked will surely appreciate time more because every hour they completed in their daily work means they earn something. If they missed one hour means they lose a sum of money which might affect their life in one way or another. Same goes to those whose work is full of datelines that they have to meet. Failing to do so might get them into some troubles.

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Time doesn't heal anything although people always said time will heal the pain, time will heal your wound, time will heal your sadness and etc... no time doesn't do that. It's just a phrase for people to console us to make us feel better but if you think hard about it, sitting there waiting for time to heal whatever adversary you have will make everything worse! You have to find time for yourself to get yourself up and heal your pain, not waiting for time to come and heal you, it won't.

It might sounds like it is full of negativity but I'm just being realistic here. We shouldn't pretend too much in our life.

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Like I said, time is more precious than money. If you don't appreciate it, it will never care, it will just keep moving. We don't have any authority to control it, we don't have any way. We can choose to use it wisely, to be punctual on things that we should be punctual at and to do something meaningful or we just sit there doing nothing and watch time pass us by.

If time is a commodity, we can never afford it no matter how rich we are. So appreciate time while we can and when we can. Don't waste it, keep moving together with it. Don't let it slip without us doing anything good for our self, for others. Time is so precious that one minute pass can make us regret everything in our life. Manage your time wisely and be punctual!

So, what do you think about time?

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Time is definitely a precious thing and we can’t afford to waste it. It’s so true that time won’t wait on us no matter how much we want it to. I am always wishing I had more time in my day but because that won’t happen I try to manage my time accordingly :)

Agree. Me too always wish that I had more time than 24 hours a day but nothing we can do to extend beyond that...

I know...bummer 😕

I would say that time is the most precious thing we are blessed with but often take it for granted. Thanks for the reminder to make every second of our lives count

Yup we take it for granted most of the time....

I am super bad in time management altho i know time i very important.. Still much to be leaned.

Most of are bro, not easy to manage time actually, it require a permanent habit to do so...

Time is fair. It moves at the same rate for the deprived as it does for the privileged.

Sometimes one needs to look inward why others achieve more with the same amount of time.

Agree! We cannot extend the time we have but we can do more things if we take it seriously.

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Time is a commodity that's for sure! Sometimes I feel myself slipping and letting the tail wag the dog. Thanks for the reminder!

You're welcome. Time is so precious that we cannot afford to waste it.