
I was (maybe at a time) guilty of pretending to be stronger than my problems rather than actively seeking a solution. It eats deep into one, and destroys from the inside. It sounds crazy but when you recognize how limited you are, it is actually quite liberating

It sounds crazy but when you recognize how limited you are, it is actually quite liberating

Reminds me of one concept I’ve contemplated a lot before, how the whole, “I am limitless,” dogma in the personal development & inspiration movements is bullshit - completely delusional.

whereas, it is in the acceptance of what limits actually do exist, where we have our eyes open, conscious to the realities in front of us, rather than operating on flawed belief systems - thus able to navigate the territory with clarity and work effectively within the boundaries, expanding them in accordance to natural Law if desired, rather than blindly striving for what’s unachievable out of ignorance.

I probably wrote and posted something about it here at some point, though can’t recall where/which.

God created this universe with an aim so is the life of the human. A life without aim is a candle without it's light, worthless. Materialistic approach brings ease in one's life but an eternal happiness comes when one adopts the spirituality.

The questions you arose are a shadow of the life which demands morality, justice and accountability to adopt the life style for which Gd created the universe.

A true and an awesome blog full of philosophy by Great mind @rok-sivante , Highly appreciated :)

My humble conception

Why have we insisted on being so strong, building walls keeping out not only threats, but our potentially most wonderful blessings?

We all have separate organs connected with one soul but isolation of any keeps us close to our graves.

Even the mighty needs alliance...nobody is an island but anybody that wishes to be has abridged the communication the body and soul have in common.

What is more painful - carrying the hurts of our past, or having not followed the callings of our souls?

Thinking of the mistakes of the past is the most painful event since I started thinking outside the box...if there can be a lucid imagination of the future even the dead would want to strive to live.

Thinking of the mistakes of the past is the most painful event since I started thinking outside the box

Yet, it is those hurts of the past which contain the seeds of wisdom with which we are equipped to co-design our futures with greater conscientiousness... ;-)

Affirmative! Our past is like a map for retracing our steps

this question hit me deep

How many of us have fallen short of success again & again, driven by survival instincts rather than spiritual intuition?

this encapsulates the story of my life. it's really hard to answer and I would have to give this some thoughts. thanks for stirring my thoughts in the right direction. if you don't mind I would like to answere these questions in posts I would be making in the coming weeks?

instead of searching for answering, ask the right questions

Sure. If they’ve seeded inspiration, they’ve served their purpose well, and I hope what answers come out shall be of inspiration to those who read them... :-)

Yeah, I hope so too. thanks

I believe that everyone seeks a happy life, the world needs less injustice and hypocrisy, this world needs peace and respect with each other so we can live better in this.

your thoughts are very deep, i appreciate. you know who you are?

Always rediscovering and re-creating... ;-)

i really appreciate your aim. you are very good please to meet you. it is my honor to follow you

Your series of questions is very difficult to answer, and I acknowledge that all of your questions really happened in our lives. these questions will only be answered when we are willing to self-reflection. you pack these questions in an unusual form, the question you arrange is similar to poetry. and I think if your questions are only to be considered and not to be answered and to be motivated to become better individuals.

Everyone experiences it as you wrote above. I think, everyone wants to live their lives well and safely. So, we must live our lives according to the rules. I am a Muslim, so I live my life by following the rules of Islam. So my life is better and safer.

I dont know if there is such a thing like spirit or soul. The hard part is to swift your mind, i dont know how to do it. We all need a father figure in our lifes to solve our problems but it doesnt work that way , I dont know what's the grace of God is, i dont think there is a loving God . we our all alone here but at least romanticizing our pain makes it a little bit easier to move on